No justifying coup

Re: "Peace, but poor miss out", (BP, May 21).

Unfortunately, even if all true as they allege, not a single one of the regime's boasted "achievements" could ever have justified the coup. None dispute that it is nice not to have the PDRC mobs instigating confrontation as they deliberately "Shut down Bangkok" on behalf of those colluding with them to overthrow the supreme rule of law of the Thai nation.

But that welcome cleansing of the streets could have been ended with at most a brief period of martial law had the army done its duty to the nation. There is no good reason to think the usual types of corruption are less today than they were four years ago, merely better concealed by the repressive ranks of good old boys patting themselves on their ample backs with luxuriously adorned wrists.

Felix Qui
Lost in translation

I spent 1.5 hours at a local branch of a well-known bank to simply apply for a new ATM card.

Although my Thai is at least passable, after one hour trying, they had to call the headquarters for me to explain, so they could translate to the staff. Headquarters at the primary Thai banks in Bangkok always have a few staff who speak excellent English to accomplish an easy bank exercise within a few minutes. But for those at the branch offices -- all of them alike -- it is hopeless. They never have even one person who speaks passable -- much less good -- English to resolve the most elementary bank function. Even the chief of the foreign-transfer division at a branch office cannot speak passable English.

How does Thailand ever hope to catch up with Asean?

Tom Banker
Thai bar girl woes

A few weeks ago, the Bangkok Post published an article exposing human trafficking, which from memory was about girls from neighbouring countries being trafficked. There was no mention of the exploitation and enslavement of Thai nationals.

As a frequent visitor to the country over the years (22 times), I would like to share the stories of some bar girls I talked to. Although they don't complain against their employers for fear of losing their jobs, the majority of the ladies feel they are being enslaved and exploited.

They have harsh working conditions, working 10-hour shifts with one day off every two weeks, no allocated wage, relying on tips and a 50-baht commission if a customer buys them a "lady drink". They receive no cut of the "bar fine", and cannot knowingly to their employer have a boyfriend. If a girl is fortunate to meet a man who is willing to take her away from this situation, there is a "release fee" imposed by the bar owner which can be between 10,000 and 20,000 baht. I was informed the bar owner's reasoning behind the "release fee" is that if the girls weren't working in the bar they would not have met the man.

The above information on the "release fee" is common in the larger type bars and more so in the owners of multiple bars. I have not heard of small bar operators imposing the release fee. The owners of a large and multiple bars would be making a fortune, with no wage outlay and inflated drink and food prices.

To the best of my knowledge, these girls are being exploited, enslaved and trafficked by the bar owners. The Thai police and the appropriate government officials should investigate and set a wage, a cut of the "bar fine", just working conditions and abolishing the "release fee".

Pommy Pete
Of Snopes and Soros

Re: "Just common sense", (PostBag, May 21).

Clara Holzer in her response to my letter regarding fake news now adds to her tally by asserting that the fact-checking website, to which I referred,"belongs to the notorious George Soros". Wrong! This has already been debunked as fake news, therefore I stand by my comments.

Dear Clara, if you wish to be a spokesperson for the evil regime in Syria, please try to use a modicum of correct facts.

Martin R

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22 May 2018 22 May 2018
24 May 2018 24 May 2018


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