Lets out-source the subs

Re: "PM approves 'midget' subs for navy", (BP, July 18).

Putting aside the important question of whether or not the country actually needs a fleet of mini-submarines -- if indeed Thailand is to secure such submarines -- does it make sense for the country to invest millions of baht to develop its own design when there are numerous such subs readily available from various suppliers around the world?

It seems highly doubtful that Thai naval architects and engineers will come up with a better or more cost-efficient design that those already on the market.

Samanea Saman
Invisible pollution health risk

The initiative to create the 5G system for wireless communication is being done without any consideration to the harmful effects of this type of radiation. There are no health benefits to being exposed to this type of pollution. If you take a moment to web-search the issue, there are numerous studies and research proving the dangers. There are no scientists stating that is beneficial to have this pollution artificially increased in our environment. It is easy to ignore because the pollution is invisible and the telecom industry avoids honesty just like the tobacco industry with regard to their product impact.

Doing things "right" takes a backseat to profits. When are we going to learn from our own history and track record of trying to kill ourselves? Every industry from asbestos, to nuclear energy, to burning fossil fuels, to lead paint, and to plastic straws -- all of our industries are killing us either through the manufacturing process or associated waste disposal. We are reaching a tipping point where it might be impossible to fix things. Where are the government agencies and policies that are tasked with protecting the citizens? Why do we so quickly resort to suing someone for defamation because "feelings are hurt" but turn a blind eye to actions that cause true suffering and death?

Darius Hober
Media disgrace over cave boys

Re: "Official slams agencies' interviews with Wild Boars", (Online, July 20).

Certain international media organisations who interviewed some of the rescued footballers recently need to be strongly condemned. The miscreant journalists not only flaunted the requests of Thai authorities to refrain from doing so, but they also invaded the privacy of the boys and their families. This reeks of nothing less than brute aggression and a violation of human rights. The media people not merely wanted an early scoop, but they held the request of the Thai authorities in scant respect.

Did they ever weigh their impulsive actions against the psychological scars likely to be inflicted on the youth? I wonder how foreign regulatory authorities would have responded to such misdemeanours by the journalists. Perhaps impose a fine on the media agencies and ban them from reporting for a period of time or at best, blacklist the offenders and never allow them to access coverage of events?

Glen Chatelier
'Slavery' in the military rife

Re: "Slaves in fatigues", (PostBag, July 21).

I know of no army in the world that does not provide its senior officers with conscripts for personal use. I believe the best example is the British army with "batmen" who are valets to officers. A quick glance at Google turned up the following definition. "Batman (military) A batman is a soldier or airman assigned to a commissioned officer as a personal servant. Before the advent of motorised transport, an officer's batman was also in charge of the officer's "bat-horse" that carried the pack saddle with his officer's kit during a campaign".

However, yes, I'd agree with CK that using conscripts to work on an officer's chicken farm is a bit much, and, as such could be considered abuse of power. As a former "batman" serving in an army in the Middle East, I enjoyed more privileges than many middle ranking officers and NCOs.

Sometimes you just can't win

Re: "Keeping the faith", (PostBag, July 18).

I didn't say I was a theist nor did I deny that there is evolution. I am an agnostic and I ask believers the same type of questions I ask atheists. If someone believes so much in science can he show me scientific literature that explains how unconscious matter evolved into intelligence?

I have read all the famous atheist writers -- Dawkins, Hitchins, Harris et al -- and they are all insulting and do not answer my questions because they can't.

When I argue with born-again Christians they call me an atheist and when I argue with atheists they call me a stupid, religious fanatic. They are both equally arrogant, and disrespectful to anyone who asks them legitimate questions.

Eric Bahrt
Unsung heroes of the sea

I was a surfer living on the north shore of Oahu, Hawaii, and over the years had occasion to pull a number of people out of the water during high surf conditions. Some of these people thanked me, a few did not and one was even angry.

When conditions became so dangerous that the professional lifeguards (some of the best watermen in the world) could not perform the rescue a helicopter was called to the scene and, by lowering a harness, would save the victim.

Back on shore the rescued party would be asked for their name and address, not because Fifa wanted to know where to send tickets, but because the State of Hawaii wanted to know where to send the bill.

Michael Setter
Land of contrast

A contrast on the front page of the Bangkok Post's July 17 edition really caught my attention.

I was upset with a news report about the sickening and sad slaughter of nearly 300 crocodiles in Indonesia. It's akin to a human village wiping out another because of one murder.

The good image was seeing the serene calm face of the late King.

Moto guzzi Bob

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