Voice for the voiceless

Re: "No justice at all", (PostBag, July 30).

Eric Bahrt is correct in highlighting the critical role that battleground states play in deciding the US presidential election under the country's Electoral College system. But, the fact that several small states are among those battleground states ensures that serious candidates for president cannot simply ignore these diverse opinions.

Without the Electoral College system, it is doubtful that presidential candidates would give any attention to the interests of the people of these and other sparsely populated states.

Electoral systems around the world apply various methods to give a greater "voice" to marginalised groups and minorities. The US system is not perfect, but it does indeed contribute toward that objective.

Samanea Saman
Splitting heirs

Re: "Playing the racist card", (PostBag, July 30).

Unlike Mr Atkinson, with his unnecessary and inflammatory capitalisation of "racist", I did not shout anything, and most certainly I was not attempting to shut down the debate. On the contrary, I wrote my letter with careful deliberation fully expecting it to provoke a strong reaction.

You did not disappoint, but your letter is flawed in its arguments.

Firstly, Barry Wallace is clearly a name of Anglo origin. The boat people he so undeservedly condemns, are not. Starting in 1975 they were Vietnamese, Laos and Cambodians, and more lately include Iranians, Iraqis, Afghans, and Rohingya, fleeing war and religious persecution. By any common sense definition of the word, this brands him as a racist.

Secondly, your comments about migration in Britain are totally irrelevant to the Australian situation. For 230 years modern Australia has been built and developed by populating this vast continent with migrants, many of whom were refugees, and that process is ongoing.

The only minority in Australia now are the original inhabitants, the Aborigines and they would probably sympathise with your sentiments that you are now in the minority.

Ironically, be he first, second, third or even fourth generation Australian, Barry Wallace is the heir of migrants who came to Australia to seek a better life, something he now denies others.

I do not dispute the need for firm but fair controls on immigration, including admitting boat people. It was Barry Wallace's untruthful description of them that was obnoxious.

David BrownRayong
Minority report

I want to extend my sympathy to Peter Atkinson for being a minority in his home city, London. And it's not going to get better.

According to Pew Research Centre, the Muslim population in Europe (European Union, plus Norway and Switzerland) as of mid-2016, estimated at 25.8 million (4.9% of the overall population) – up from 19.5 million (3.8%) in 2010. The centre also said even if all migration into Europe were to stop now, the Muslim population of Europe still would be expected to rise from the current level of 4.9% to 7.4% by the year 2050. This is because Muslims are younger (by 13 years, on average) and have higher fertility (1.5 child more per woman, on average) than other Europeans.

It would be nice if the immigrants could adapt to the new culture and contribute to the economy of the host countries, but here we are talking about immigrants who are flooding Europe and Australia, and who are uneducated, having no special skills, and being burden to the host countries. (Hope David Brown doesn't call me a racist).

Somsak PolaSamut Prakan
Racism rules

Re: "Glass houses", (PostBag, July 30).

For once I agree with Martin R that it's ironic that if Peter Atkinson is not a racist why should it bother him that white people in his country are becoming a minority.

I'm a white American and I'm delighted that my country is becoming more left and less white. It's only because most Americans are white that a racist sociopath could get elected president.

Some people think America has changed because it had a black president. But the majority of white people did not vote for Obama. Most white Americans would rather have a racist president than a black one. It's a disgrace!

Eric Bahrt

Contact: Bangkok Post Building 136 Na Ranong Road Klong Toey, Bangkok 10110 fax: +02 6164000 Email: postbag@bangkokpost.co.th

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31 Jul 2018 31 Jul 2018
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