Digital disaster

Every human on the planet needs to question the sudden hard push by the technocrats and elites demanding digital IDs.

 There is no reason for this shift other than to increase control of the population and to ensure direct dependency on the governing elites for existence.

A cashless society means that the government can "take" all your money with the push of a button. Anybody that trusts any government with this much authority needs to have their head examined!

I have never heard anyone in private conversation state that they felt the need to have a digital ID or that their certified ID cards were inadequate. So where is this impetus coming from to make people dependent on digitisation? What "problems" is this really solving? So what if you can open a bank account from your smartphone -- is this really a good thing?

How about all the banking jobs that are lost through such innovations? Is greater profit for the banksters more important than allowing a human a job where they can provide for their self and family? What is the plan for all the workers displaced by technology?

Thailand also is not a society intellectually advanced enough to not only create a digital system to handle this but to also have the technical capabilities to protect such a system from abuse and criminal activities from both internal and external sources. Turning over intrinsic human activities and socialisation to computers and machines can only end in disaster for humanity.

I wonder if the dictator is pushing to replace soldiers with robots as much as the regime is trying to impose digital control of the population? Instead of buying a submarine that must be manned, how about walking your talk and only buying drones and equipment that eliminate the need for soldiers?

Darius Hober
Headache stencil

I was really thrilled to read "Spray-can satire creates headache for junta", (Online, Sept 24). At last we can see the re-emergence of creative and meaningful artistic expression in the midst of absurdly frivolous controls and harsh penalties arbitrarily imposed on citizens by a cowardly unelected government desperately clinging to power.

The stencil of lucky cat should be flown at half staff over Government House, to be raised in full at a ceremony when the general gets elected, which is now a certainty. Three cheers for Headache Stencil!

Mr M
Birds won't save us

Re: "Stop feeding the birds", (PostBag, Sept 23).

I wonder if Mr Barht has considered his comments in the letter could be construed as a solution to a much bigger overpopulation problem, namely the human race. Current figures show a slight slowdown in the exponential growth, however a growing percentage of people are now suffering from diseases related to obesity as do from famine. Even at the slightly lower level of growth, the human race is at a bigger risk of self destruction by procreation than anything the scaremongers and "researchers" can dream up.

I trust he has a more acceptable solution for human beings than he does for our feathered friends.

Peter Fairless
Republican thugs

In a recent letter I noted the appalling hypocrisy of Republicans in throwing around the term "innocent until proven guilty" in regard to Supreme Court nominee Bret Kavanaugh.

These are the same thugs who screamed in unison: "Lock her up" in regards to Hillary Clinton, who was never indicted for anything, and who call Bill Clinton a "rapist" when no charges were ever filed against him.

And who can forget Donald Trump saying that Sgt Bergdahl should be "executed" while his case was still before a military court?

In that spirit, I'd like to share with the readers a poem: "The Republicans say grab the criminal by the collar and set bail at a million dollars. But when they get accused, they say they've been abused, and then they scream and they yell and they holler".

Eric Bahrt

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24 Sep 2018 24 Sep 2018
26 Sep 2018 26 Sep 2018


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