Windows for dummies

While many people love higher tech, forever upgrading and updating their computer programs, (and mobile phones), did it ever occur to Bill Gates and Microsoft that there are those of us who do not need all the availability of continual upgrades?

This screenshot provided by Microsoft shows Edge, its new browser, the replacement for Internet Explorer. Most people will get Windows 10 when they buy a new PC, though people with Windows 7 and 8 have a year to upgrade for free.

Nor do many people, including myself need it. I still run my computer on Windows XP, a few friends are still satisfied with the old Windows 98, which contrary to what Microsoft wants us to believe, still functions quite well.

It matters not that Microsoft no longer supports these programs. Who really cares?

Many people still prefer the old Outlook Express as the simplest method to send and receive email. Microsoft should market this as a separate program which is still far better than any of the newer versions that Bill Gates and his buddies have produced to-date, simple to use.

Simplicity and ease seems to have gotten lost, or now have unknown meaning.

Microsoft should continue to update and upgrade its Windows programs. This is the only way they’ll make more and more money.

But at the same time, perhaps they should consider a program for those of us who do not need 99% of what these programs offer, or need a PhD to figure out.

A windows entitled “Simple Windows for Simpletons” would be appropriate. And, I’m sure it would outsell a lot of other programs.


Monks gotta wake up

Re: “Bell tolls for antiquated traditions”, (Opinion, Oct 5).

The writer mentioned in his article “Thailand has regulations to curb noise levels and restrict such disturbances”. That’s nice. Do any regulations get consistently enforced here?

If the temple bells are ringing at 3.30am and bothering people while they sleep, why wouldn’t the loving, all-so-kind monks want to change it?

They don’t care that their clearly out-ofdate practice is bothering people and waking them up in the middle of the night. Buy modern alarm clocks for the monks -- problem solved.


Relocate religion

Re: “Bell tolls for antiquated traditions”, (Opinion, Oct 5).

It’s time to take religion out of the community where it causes arguments, and put it into the private space where it belongs, along with superstitions and fables.


Honking hell

Re: “Bell tolls for antiquated traditions”, (Opinion, Oct 5)

In relation to loud bells ringing at temples, your editorial states, “There is no excuse for excessive noise.” I could not agree more, and especially regarding the intrusive and occasionally downright painful thumping from vans and cars whose drivers cannot possibly hear other road users, including the emergency services.

To my mind, this clearly constitutes dangerous driving. I feel that our ever-alert police are missing out on an opportunity to earn considerable kudos, the respect of the public and probably considerably more by persuading these selfish and discourteous road users to exercise a little discretion.


Why bother?

Re: “Rankings not be-all, end-all for Thai unis”, (Opinion, Oct 3).

On an almost daily basis, people post advice on how to improve the education system here. Do they really believe their advice is going to make an iota of difference?

Of course it won’t, so, as with the vegan evangelist, why bother?

COL WEST, Chon Buri

Summary execution

Some time ago it was announced that the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration would accept email complaints about motorcycles riding on footpaths. Sadly, this email address no longer seems to work.

This is still a serious issue. I recently came across two inconsiderate individuals, whilst a (very weak) case could be made for riding on the footpath against the flow of traffic.

It would be good to see a concerted police crackdown on motorcycles, with a focus on riding on footpaths.

Summary execution would be an appropriate punishment.


With a friend like this...

The Oct 2 edition of ABC (Australia) News ran a story titled, “Chinese reporter’s outburst in the UK could be a sign of things to come”.

“The incident where a Chinese state media reporter disrupted a Conservative Party conference in the United Kingdom, slapping a volunteer, comes as China is more forcefully asserting its world view on the global stage,” writes China correspondent Bill Birtles.

The story details the provocation by a CCTV reporter disrupting a UK political meeting. It then details a number of similar incidents occurring around the globe including the guard slapping the tourist incident in Bangkok.

All the events reported on contained the same elements: the incidents were staged, the incidents were filmed.

Chinese government entities responded immediately to those films with megaphone diplomacy containing threats and demands.

There is not the slightest doubt these incidents are scripted and there is a reporting protocol known to all Chinese tourists.

In the case of the UK, Naru and Perth incidents there is a political element. The ultra-nationalist Foreign Minister Wang Li is seen as the conductor of these shams.

You can bet odds on that, in the next day or two, the Chinese government in one form or another will attack ABC. China already bans its website.

Are these the friends Thailand really wants?

When I first came here 30 years ago, I was reading all the stories about how Thailand kept its independence when surrounded by greedy foreigners.

Thailand has lost its independence to China. The ultra-nationalists Xi and Wang Li see the Chinese as superior to others, and Thailand is nothing but a convenience store. Censoring the guard for doing his job is kowtowing to China.

Whatever happened to the clever Thai who could see the other for what they really are?


American psycho

Re: “No place for insults”, (PostBag, Sept 30).

Jeff Gepner castigated Keith Barlow in his letter, not only for attacking US President Donald Trump, but his supporters as well. Mr Gepner argues you can’t win them over by insulting them.

But any reasonable person who has studied Donald Trump knows he’s an extremely dangerous person.

When I watch these yahoos at his rally wildly applauding every time Mr Trump says something demented, I know there is no way you can reason with those people.

Or does anyone believe that if Fox “News” commentator Sean Hannity lives to be a thousand years old he will ever change his mind about anything?

Over the years I have changed my mind on various issues.

If someone can give me a good argument about why I’m wrong, I will consider changing my mind. But Trump supporters are so crazy that no amount of logic will work with them.

So instead of wasting your time trying to talk sense to these nuts we should just focus on energising our base to get out the vote and remove that psycho from the White House before it’s too late.


I spy...

Re: “Where’s the beef?” (PostBag, Sept 29)

I would not describe an incident that led to the death of an innocent civilian, the hospitalisation of several others and which endangered the lives of many more as a “comic opera”.

The only comic aspect about this whole affair was the risible attempt by the principal Russian suspects to explain their visit to Salisbury as a tourist excursion, an account that was an over-rehearsed charade. Already their claim to be ordinary citizens has been exposed as a lie.

Perhaps HHB could reveal what inside knowledge he has to enable him to categorically state that the Novichok used was not produced in the Soviet Union.

I assume that it is far more compelling than the analyses and accounts that have been issued by the British intelligence services.

Given his attraction to conspiracy theory (vis-à-vis his previous letter to PostBag) and his dismissal of hundreds of hours of detective work, I can only surmise that HHB possibly accepts the accusation of the Russian minister that the attack on the Skripals was the work of British Intelligence.

There may not be a smoking gun, but there is plenty of “beef” if HHB cares to study reports of the whole investigation. Russia has a proven history of similar assassination attempts.

I’ve not seen anything to persuade me that this is anything other than another such attempt, which had tragic, not comic consequences.


Dog day afternoon

Would it be possible for the editors at the Bangkok Post publication to spare a page (or two) on a regular basis and devote them to pet adoptions?

Tharinee, PAWS, Soi Dog, Headrock Dogs and other charitable organisations like the CCF Foundation, Kru Ban Nok and the Foundation for the Education of Rural Children surely deserve something like this at least every couple of weeks. Consider it a community service.

I would much rather read this Thai-centric information as opposed to articles from The New York Times.


05 Oct 2018 05 Oct 2018
07 Oct 2018 07 Oct 2018


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