Clowns or heroes?

Re: "Elitists don't care", (PostBag, Nov 3).

Mr Barht declares Suthep Thaugsuban and Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha to be clowns. But these two people in many's eyes could well could be "the heroes of a new Thailand", who turned the ship around towards a more true and democratic course, grabbing the helm from self-serving, vote-buying, dictatorial and nepotistic rich people serving as false democracy prophets and false representatives for the majority, a majority of poor farmers and wage-working people.

Do you really believe billionaires, old or young, are the true, sincere and natural leaders of this majority?

A Johnsen

Pull vendors into line

Re: "Vendors have their place", (BP, Nov 5).

The title of the above piece may be correct, but blocking at least 50% of Bangkok's pedestrian sidewalks is not such a place. I remember, not so long ago, that Silom's sidewalks were virtually swamped with vendors forcing pedestrians to walk in the road and having to dodge the vehicular traffic.

Vendors seem to be treated sympathetically by the Post's journalists, often citing the customers as poor cleaners, security guards and taxi drivers who need to feed themselves and their families. Using the Silom area as an example, the customers appeared largely to consist of well-paid office staff. How, it is fair to ask, do lower-paid workers feed themselves and their families where sidewalk vendors are not permitted to block the areas constructed and set aside for pedestrians?

These vendors are commonly depicted as poor, starving people who are providing a service. If one looks at Convent Road, you will see those vendor's cars and pickup trucks blocking one lane of the road day and night causing further traffic obstructions. It is fair to also ask who permits this and who profits from it? It is not the vendors!

Yes, it may be argued vendors provide a service and, for some, an attraction but not at the expense of freedom of movement and safety for pedestrians. As stated in the referenced article, those concerned must find places to ensure the viability of places set aside for vendors and convenience and safety of their patrons.

Martin R

General foolishness

In response to the recent information on the military draft in Thailand by army chief Apirat Kongsompong, it is worth pointing out that there is a great likeness, but a lot of difference, between the words uniformed and uninformed and the general seems to have found himself being both.


Gadgets boost illiteracy

Thailand should not feel too bad about slipping to the 64th place in English language comprehension and study (BP, Nov 5). At the rate English is deteriorating in the United States, with illiteracy rising, Americans will soon join the Thais to enjoy low ratings together. I'd blame a lot of the problem on those "mechanical devices" (we know what they are), which have replaced social interaction, books, writing, and others. Maybe the new wave of evolution will see humans born without mouths and more fingers.

David James Wong

Get real on motoring

In this week's motoring article, one of the cars was priced at about 13 million baht and the other around five million baht.

I'm sure your reporters love to look over and ride in these lovely hi-so cars, but can I suggest that vehicles that us plebeians can afford and possibly be in the market for be reviewed? I am sure people in the market for a normal car would love to see a feature covering current models. Or how about covering the latest of small motorbikes.

Please ask your motoring team to lower their sights and visit car showrooms that us unwashed frequent.


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