Drug war mystery

Re: "Thaksin the real threat", (PostBag, Nov 14).

One thing is beyond my comprehension. As we all know, Thaksin Shinawatra implemented his war on drugs, resulting in the deaths of 3,000 people, but why hasn't he been indicted?

The Democrats were in power for almost three years, but didn't pursue the case. The junta has been in power since May 2014, and it too, hasn't pursued the case. What is stopping them? Sometimes I wonder if the killings were real.

The murder of 3,000 people qualifies as a massacre, and I'm sure every country that Thaksin set foot in would be thrilled to extradite him. Instead, they charged him for the stupid crime of buying land, which makes any extradition request, if there is one, worthless.

Put your foot where your mouth is, guys.

Somsak Pola
Logging speeders

I would like to know, is there such thing as a driver's log book in Thailand? This is a book that a driver must fill in before he heads off -- stating his destination, departure time, and the number of passengers.

The driver must also report the time of arrival, as well as the number of passengers upon arriving, which has to be signed off by a supervisor. This is important because if the travel time from point A to B is, lets say, one hour, and the driver took 45 minutes to complete the trip, than we know that the driver has been speeding and must be reported to the police.

The other thing I have noticed is that not one vehicle carries a traffic cone, to be used in case of a breakdown.

All of the above should be made mandatory, no ifs or buts. All we need now is full cooperation from the police and government to put this into law.

Barry Wallace
Radiation threat real

There is an abundance of peer-reviewed scientific evidence that electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and other related electronic devices increases the risks of not only leukemia and Alzheimer's disease, but also reproductive and behavioural issues. It has been linked to DNA changes, cancer, and changes to the blood-brain barrier.

The WHO is of course reluctant to produce a responsible set of guidelines on the risks of EMF exposure, because they would be placing their funding at risk. But it isn't difficult to find the evidence, and the NBTC knows this.

It's time for them to be honest on the issue.

Michael Setter
Closer to the end

The world just marked the 100th year since the end of World War I, which was followed by World War II only a few years down the line.

World leaders have promised to do everything possible to prevent World War III. Yet we are closer than ever to the brink of a global conflict, perhaps even annihilation.

What have our leaders accomplished? Nothing really.

One day, what is left of the population will gather to mark the end of World War III and ponder the future, if there is a future left to consider. Because at times, we appear to be inching closer to the end, considering the ongoing rhetoric, hostility and conflicts.

Scary times, folks. I sat on my porch this morning, reading the Bangkok Post, my dogs by my feet, and I wonder -- how long will it all last?

Forgetful Suu Kyi

Aung San Suu Kyi is courting foreign investors at a summit in Singapore. But, she also said Myanmar would not permit itself to be exploited. Either she has a short memory, or, chooses to ignore that China is already plundering Myanmar, and owns much of it.

David James Wong

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