This is no democracy

Vint Chavala, how can you call this country democratic when you have had nearly 20 coups? Sorry, but business people do make good leaders.

Look what Trump has done for the US, as much as I loathe the man. The only people who want to run this country are the military or ex-military people, who look after their own personnel, with similar interests and background and status. Please don't call Thailand democratic -- it's in name only, and in the true sense, democracy and freedom of press go hand in hand.      

Barry Wallace

Public cash for parties

Re: "Poisonous billionaires," (PostBag, May 4).

One of the most damaging developments to democracy in my lifetime has been the failure to properly control campaign finance and money politics, in all its forms. I believe Thailand should learn quickly from the disease of money politics in places like the US that some form of public funding of political parties, perhaps through a political parties trust to which those who wish to donate to the political process can subscribe, is essential.

With regard to the search for good-quality politicians, there are often issues with a lack of competence, a lack of integrity and a failure to put country, as opposed to self or party first. But the biggest problem is that we do not know what a good-quality politician looks like, because we have not thought or debated sufficiently what we really want.

It is no real surprise that we never find or vote for "good politicians", to use Khun Vint's phrase.

For me, a good politician must be one who can rise above self and see the need to serve the country or his community. They must be able to communicate a picture of what needs to be done and why, and be honest about the choices that need to be made and help people understand the reality of what can be done with the time and resources available. An ability to understand how things are connected, and understand root causes of problems and hence real solutions, as well as appreciate the need to consider long-term consequences are also essential.

From there it is implementation, which normally involves the need to select, motivate and work with good-quality people as well as develop and work as a team. Last, the ability to set an example and be the role model for the ethical, legal and cultural standards of the country or community. These are the basic attributes of leadership.

Actually, there are many professions, including in business, where its leaders and participants could be qualified to become politicians on this definition, bearing in mind that politicians are both local, national and international. There is no reason at all why a successful businessman cannot become a successful politician, but if they wish to do so they must fully, completely and transparently cut their financial and managerial ties to their former business to avoid conflicts of interest. Many fall at this first and most basic hurdle.

P Jackson

Question of eligibility

The May 5 editorial, "Senate selection secrecy bodes ill", informs of reports that nominated persons should, "prepare documents showing their biographical details and listing the assets they possess to prove their eligibility". The writer's use of the phrase, "to prove their eligibility", is curious.

Does it mean those nominated are required to declare their personal assets before assuming public office, a normal undertaking for those entering public office? Or more sinisterly, is there actually a criteria for assets possessed which has to be met in order to be eligible to hold public office?

If so, wouldn't such a criteria be discriminatory, like requiring a holder of public office to have a university degree? Declaring assets is one thing. Listing assets "to prove their eligibility" to hold public office is another matter entirely.


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