Smog of nepotism

Having lived in Thailand for nearly 20 years, first as a visitor and then as a 15-year property owner, like any resident the words I fear most come when the government proclaims "full control" of a situation. It has been in "full control" during past droughts and floods, of air quality over time, and of the general well-being of all Thai people -- with dubious results each time.

The buses in Bangkok were old 20 years ago and these derelict hulks still spew noxious fumes all over the municipality.

Thailand, specifically Bangkok, has done two things correctly. These are the BTS system and the timely investigation and capture of the Erawan bombers. This shows clear minds are at work when the situation calls for action. But I can think of no other events where our leaders rose above their corrupt and incompetent malaise.

Unfortunately, this country is largely controlled by about 60 family dynasties with another 150 or so under them. This feudal and nepotistic system keeps the mentally lazy and deficient in power, ensures the success of their ne'er-do-well offspring with no accountability or competition, and works to disable emerging true leaders, like the charismatic head of the Future Forward Party.

Quick solutions for Bangkok:

1. Electrify the bus system -- pricey.

2. No intersection should have a traffic light on red for more than 45 seconds, a move that would permanently correct these grade "F" intersections for free with the added benefit of improved air quality.

3. Enact pollution tests for vehicles over 10 years old (not so expensive but, yes, I am dreaming).

For the rest of Thailand:

1. Eliminate the tuk-tuk mafias once and for all, especially in Phuket where a 50-baht ride costs 400 baht.

2. Outlaw the open burning of sugarcane fields and make it illegal for millers to accept burned cane. Put teeth in the regulations.

3. Embrace solar: it is now cheap, effective, and most of all clean.

4. Come up with a water resources plan based on fact, not fantasy.

5. Allow international banks to set up shop here, so the Thai population will finally understand how the current national banking system works to keep them financially suppressed. What is allowed here would get bank executives long jail terms in the West.

Finally, give the underprivileged kids in public schools a real chance to compete for university positions and jobs. While Thais are the nicest population I have ever come across, affluent Thais are also collectively the stingiest folks I have ever met. What about endowing some scholarships? My plan to build three schools was torpedoed by local authorities' demand for "tea money" which would have added 25%-40% to the cost. Corruption here remains the fundamental cause of societal decay and the continued downtrend of Thai competitiveness globally. Amazing Thailand.


Politicos doctor truth

The problem I have when any politician from this government tries to reassure us about anything is that I don't trust them. They are not experts in whatever they are discussing (most recently the coronavirus and air pollution); they are politicians and it is in their self-interest to say that things are going well.

Perhaps if they brought out experts to reassure us, I would feel better, depending on what the expert said (eg, it is impossible to have 100% control over the coronavirus outbreak because of the long incubation period, but we are doing the best we can).

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