Another failed state

Re: "Are we a failed state?", (PostBag, June 1).

In reading Khun Lungstib's description of a "failed state," I can't help but think that it applies far more accurately to the current state of affairs in the US than it does to Thailand. The US is sadly now a state seemingly incapable of enforcing its laws uniformly and justly, a place where police intimidate minorities and carry out extra-judicial killings with impunity, a country with out-of-control urban violence, high drug addiction rates, near-record unemployment, government institutions undermined and misused for personal and political advantage, and a judicial system hijacked to serve political agendas. It's a nation with among the highest health-care costs in the world yet unable to effectively stem the Covid-19 pandemic, a failing education system, inept and untruthful political leadership, and a population prone to propaganda and wild conspiracy theories advanced to divide the people.

Ronald Reagan once spoke of America as "the shining city upon a hill". Martin Luther King had a "dream" of little black boys and black girls able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. For the time being at least, it appears the dream has been extinguished and the city no longer shines. The encouraging thing about America, however, is that it has proven time and time again over the course of its history that it can overcome incredible adversity. With a change of leadership and a renewed sense of purpose, there is reason to believe the country can again shine as a beacon for others.

Samanea Saman
Beam in Trump's eye

Re: "Curfews and clashes as US race protests escalate", (BP, June 1).

The death of George Floyd is a reminder that police brutality and racial discrimination continue to haunt American society and distort its image globally. How America can teach lessons to China over its handling of Hong Kong protests when the President himself is siding with the law enforcement to suppress the protest by any means, including the use of brutal force. He is also claiming that the USA has the best military and he will use it against its own people if needed. How such statements make the USA different from China or North Korea? Dubbing the protesters as global anarchists and left-wing fanatics makes US establishment looks similar to what we have been seeing in Hong Kong and elsewhere in the world. Mr Trump, who made his political bones by peddling hatred against Mr Obama, his country of origin, his religion and his signature healthcare initiative thrives on racial divisions. For him, conflict zones are his comfort zone, perfect for firing up his racist, right-wing vote-bank base.

Kuldeep Nagi
Sensible Songkran

Re: "Songkran substitute possible in July: CCSA", (BP, June 1).

This should only compensate for the extended holidays we missed during Songkran, with no water battles or other senseless fun. Songkran is strictly a religious event marking the traditional new year. We just feel sorry that, due to the coronavirus outbreak, we could not celebrate it.

RH Suga
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