Rotten to the core

Re: "Cops plan to review Boss saga", (BP, 28 July).

The police and attorney-general have formed panels to investigate their subordinates' handling of the Boss case but the problem is that it's not isolated rogues who have so severely undermined public confidence in Thai justice -- the rot is throughout the entire system.

To have the defendant, whether it be the RTP or OAG, investigate their own actions does not encourage truth-finding and the "let the chips fall where they may" attitude that's vital for deep reform. For example, the OAG's investigation panel has no deadline, conveniently opening the way for indefinite probing, leading nowhere.

The House of Representatives should promptly hold public hearings on the matter and mandate changes. For example, Pol Gen Sereepisuth Temeeyaves heads the anti-corruption committee so will know RTP and OAG procedures well, and Senator Khunying Porntip Rojanasunand should be invited to testify on the forensic aspects of the case, as Director, Central Institute of Forensic Science.

Out of crisis, opportunity. We have a historic opportunity to reform our justice system to serve our beloved country, not just the high and the mighty. We should eagerly grab it.

Burin Kantabutra
Review inadequate

Re: "Get to the bottom of Boss saga", (Editorial, July 28).

In your editorial you use phrases such as "salvage their reputation", "sanctity of the country's justice system", and "honour of the Thai justice system". All very high-minded and noble sentiments!

But the current police review of the dropping of the charges against Vora­yuth Yoovidhya will not achieve any of the above. Even if the current review is conducted with full integrity and transparency and the findings made public, the reputation of the Royal Thai Police Force goes far beyond this one case.

In fact, I would ask what reputation, other than the reputation for being the finest police force that money can buy?

The honour and the reputation of the police and the justice system will never be upheld until there is a total, top-to-bottom reform and restructuring of the police force, removing once and for all the stench of corruption that we all know is endemic throughout it.

David Brown
Nobody is fooled

Re: "Police panel to look into 'Boss' case in 15 days", (Online, July 27).

Save your time and money. We all know the result prior to this panel even meeting.

It's all a grand farce, an opera buffa, to placate the public, to show that our valiant protectors and enforcers of the law, (as they interpret it), are doing their job, eight years after the event.

Ha, ha, ha!Flopsie

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