Thailand not alone in ban

Re: "Tourists not to blame", (PostBag, Dec 26).

Your correspondent claims that an unwelcoming Thai government is responsible for the dearth of international tourists. One wonders whether he is aware that all tourist visas are cancelled in every Southeast Asian country except Thailand.

Countries worldwide accepting visitors without significant entry restrictions include Afghanistan, Albania, Pakistan and French Polynesia. Happy holidays!

Barry Kenyon

PCR test is no proof

In support of GLENNB6 ("Stand up to the scam", PostBag, Dec 23) and contrary to Ray Ban (Covid all too real, PostBag, Dec 25), there is no "proof" of Covid-19 in Thailand. A positive result to a PCR test is not proof and does not warrant the designation of a "case".

PCR testing is not meant to be a diagnostic tool for disease. It was designed to narrow down possibilities when doing genetic sequencing within a large quantity of unknowns. It does not identify specific viruses, only "parts" of DNA strand which many other organisms can share.

In order to claim definitively that someone has Covid, more steps are needed once there is a positive PCR result. The virus must be isolated and identified in the person.

This means that you have to physically find the virus in the individual and extract it. This has never been done in Thailand -- or the world for that matter.

One must follow scientist Robert Koch's postulates about a pathogen. After isolating the suspected agent, it has to be cultured (grown in a lab), injected into a healthy animal, and if the animal gets sick it has to be isolated and compared to the original. This is science! It is how all other pathogens are identified for healthcare. Anything less is "fake news".

Can the Healthcare experts in Thailand show where this has been done just once, let alone with every suspected "case"?

Until established scientific protocols are followed concerning pathogens and disease, we should question this situation completely.

As they say: "Show me the money", or in this case "Show me the Covid". Not doing this is corruption on a grand scale. Lives are being ruined, livelihoods destroyed, and liberties curtailed over a false narrative.

Darius Hober

Prevention is the key

Re: "Stand up to the scam", (PostBag, Dec 23).

It is just amazing that there are people still saying, "Stand up to the scam people, it's a flu and the numbers prove it." Which numbers prove it?

The growing number of global deaths of 1.72 million? Yes, only 60 deaths in Thailand, but why should Thailand be immune from a second wave (which it may be facing now) that could lead to more deaths and contribute to the global figure heading for 2 million.

A simple flu would normally take far more than a decade to kill that many people. Prevention is always better than a cure.


Too much scepticism?

It occurs to me that "Important new drug for Covid 19" might be a more suitable title. Using the word "miracle", although not incorrect, may have the effect of deterring people concerned from following the matter up.

News of the efficacy of the Ivermectin medication for Covid 19 has only emerged in the past two weeks. In the USA for example, despite the pandemic being out of control, doctors who have started to publicise it are being greeted with scepticism.

It may be the medical people in Samut Sakhon are well aware of the matter; however, a long life has taught me not to take such matters for granted.

It would be a double tragedy if this important therapeutic advance were to be overlooked at a crucial time in Thailand.

Leo Bourne

Strange use of funds

Re: "Uni to begin vaccine trials", (BP, Dec 19).

The call from Chulalongkorn University's foundation for contributions to fund their vaccine testing programme reminds me of the old maxim, "It will be a wonderful day when our local school has more money than it knows what to do with, and the air force needs to hold a bake sale to raise funds to buy a new jet fighter."

Samanea Saman
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