We want answers

Re: "The 'first shot' drama shows up a sickly govt" and "Listening to public is key to successful jab push", (Opinion, March 2).

The juxtaposition of articles sharing the same page is most striking. One presents circumstances of confusion and ambiguity; the other, a systematic approach in ascertaining people's concerns and providing clear information regarding Covid-19 vaccinations. Thai authorities would be well advised to mirror the approaches of Malaysia to bolster the prospects for immunisation success.

People only want answers to a few basic questions. When will vaccines be available? From where are they being sourced? Are the vaccines safe? Are they effective? Where do individuals stand on the prioritisation list to receive immunisations? When and where do people go to receive the vaccines?

The public would be more confident in the overall vaccination process if information provided is clear, consistent, and accurate.

Samanea Saman

Lessons not learnt

Re: "Forest dictatorship at Kaeng Krachan" and "Let's hear Chana truth", (Opinion, March 3).

The articles point to a country being taken in a completely different direction to that which the citizens would prefer.

The Karen of the Kaeng Krachan forest would quite obviously like to be left alone in an environment they have occupied for hundreds of years.

The fact that the forest still stands is testament to their lifestyle not destroying it.

The citizens of Chana appear to have similar feelings for their natural environment where fishing and farming has supported them in a way they enjoy and they wish to continue.

Considering what the World Resources Institute has to say about Map Ta Phut, the original industrial estate zone, it's no surprise that others are not keen.

"A history of air and water pollution, industrial accidents, illegal hazardous waste dumping, and pollution-related health impacts" is not exactly a great advertisement for industrialisation.

With further environmental problems concerning lead and gold mines, sugar and corn production, factory pollution of air and water, plus climate change it's perhaps time for government to take another look at what direction they should be taking this country.

If the tourism industry really does believe its about to get back into business after the Covid destruction, authorities would do well to remember it was the clean air and water surrounding the small fishing and farming communities that brought visitors from the other side of the globe, not factories and business developments.


Jail terms deserved

On the subject of Felix Qui's March 3 letter, "Of Jesus and Socrates", I agreed that speaking out of truth was not a crime either by the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) or Ratsadorn.

The crime was committed when they blocked the traffic, shut down the airport, defaced public properties, stoned the police on so on.

These were criminals and deserved jail sentences.

James Debentures
CONTACT: BANGKOK POST BUILDING136 Na Ranong Road Klong Toey, Bangkok 10110Fax: +02 6164000 email: postbag@bangkokpost.co.th
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