New jab on the way

Re: "A puzzling lack of logic in govt vaccine strategy", (Opinion, April 6).

This article doesn't mention the NDV-HXP-S vaccine, which is now entering clinical trials in Thailand, Vietnam and Brazil and was developed by US scientists who also identified the spike proteins used in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, but is much easier to produce with methods already in use in Thailand, as a low-cost alternative to existing vaccines. This vaccine has shown great results in animal trials. Although it will not be available before 2022, if proven effective in humans, it can provide easy access to annual booster shots, using methods already used in Thailand for production of seasonal flu vaccines using chicken eggs.

All about media visas

Re: "Respect the role of journalists", (Editorial, April 4).

To prevent further misunderstanding, a few points should be elaborated on as follows:

The revised guideline has been recently modified since it was last done in 2016. This modification includes online media and freelancers who apply for a non-immigrant visas category M. The only clause where the revised guideline has been changed is the requirement for additional documents, namely the samples of work from five to 10 in total. These additional documents are requested to consider granting and renewing media visas.

On the subject of the term "report", we are aware that not every journalist "writes" and there are many tasks to complete the news. We have accepted every kind of work that a foreign media person has been able to provide, in order to prove that the applicant has contributed tasks of his/her role in presenting the news. Normally, photographers present many photographs in contribution to news articles. They usually submit more than required.

Finally, apart from the original text, if a certain foreign media persons provides material in other languages, work samples or summaries are requested with English translations for us to consider the content thoroughly.

Tanee Sangrat

Director General of Information Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Unspeakable truth

Re: "A puzzling lack of logic in govt vaccine strategy", (Opinion, April 6).

Another brave and timely article, as the current increase in cases serves to highlight the government's disastrous vaccine strategy. Without an effective and transparent strategy the current headlines will be on a permanent loop and the country will never reopen. As the author knows full well there is no puzzle as to why one domestically produced vaccine must be allowed to corner the market: but the truth is unspeakable.

Teaching myopia

It is interesting to read that foreigners on Koh Samui who are convicted of drunk driving offences must spend 24-hours of community service teaching English to police staff. Everyone seems to enjoy it. Pity the myopia. Imagine using available expats and their expertise to teach English nationwide. Of course this is beyond the scope of both the immigration police and the Education Ministry.

Jack Gilead
Wrong on Biden

Michael Setter in his April 6 letter has evidently had memory loss!! He says "Biden is actually ushering in ... authoritarian rule...." He has gotten this completely wrong!

If he had put former President Trump's name in this sentence (not Biden) plus the word "trying" he would have been accurate. Fortunately, Trump failed as he has done so often in his life, from being found guilty of racism by a court (along with his father) and with his many bankruptcies. The American people had their say at the polls.

A Careful Reader
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