Post is on right track

Kudos to the Bangkok Post for reinstating the Covid-19 virus tracker in its edition of Aug 11.

The new, enhanced format is even more comprehensive than before. It brings together in a handy chart everything we need to know about the trajectory of the virus in a variety of venues.

May the virus tracker continue to be published daily for as long as it is needed. Bravo!

Let's get in focus

Re: "Cut the cameras," (PostBag, Aug 11).

Ray Ban -- who, perhaps in a tongue-in-cheek fashion, suggested that CCTV cameras be installed "on every tree in every park" of Thailand -- has failed to suggest a better way to prevent crimes against tourists on the island of Phuket.

Not only do I insist that we have closed-circuit TV cameras and security personnel surreptitiously installed on the island, I also propose a special task force to investigate and monitor the movements of ex-convicts and persons of interest -- both Thai and foreign -- to prevent such crimes from happening.

This method has been in use in many advanced cities of the world, and with great success -- hence why not on Phuket?

Cops can't face reality

Re: "Suspect faces multiple charges," (BP, Aug 9).

Once again, the police have organised a ridiculous dog-and-pony show, supposedly "re-enacting" the tragic murder of the Swiss tourist in Phuket.

There is nothing to be gained from these asinine publicity stunts.

Such farcical re-enactments are an embarrassment to Thailand, highly insensitive to crime victims and their families, and totally devoid of value in the criminal justice process.

Apparently, police think these absurd charades somehow enhance their status and prowess as crime-busters.

But in reality, it only makes them look amateurish and foolish.

Why are these silly sideshows allowed to continue, even after Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha ordered them stopped a few years back?

5G risk is no joke

Re: "Happy with 4G," (PostBag, Aug 7) and "Time to tune out", (PostBag, July 31). Dr Nantakan Wongkasema, a Thai professor who works at an American University, should be given plaudits for exposing to us the inherent dangers which electro-magnetic pollution poses to us all.

I have been telling people that I have worked with both in Isan (the northeastern region) and Bangkok that we should all be wary about using 5G technology in our lives; but all my warnings have been met with mere shrugs of the shoulders.

So it is good to see that an upstanding person can explain to us so clearly and in scientific terms the dangers which 5G, and in fact all types of electromagnetic technology, can pose to humans.

I hope that Dr Nantakan also writes an article or letter to other Thai publications, as I find that Thai people use digital technology even more uncritically than Westerners do.

11 Aug 2021 11 Aug 2021
13 Aug 2021 13 Aug 2021


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