Tracing error

Re: "Get serious on tracing," (Editorial, Feb 1).

The Bangkok Post editorial team missed the mark in calling for stepped-up tracking and tracing of Covid cases. Strict tracing of individuals testing positive for Covid made sense when there were very few active cases in the country. But now that Covid is ubiquitous throughout the kingdom, there is little or no value in stringent tracing of cases. Chasing after individual cases of Covid -- especially in the xenophobic pursuit of foreign scapegoats -- is a flawed strategy at this point of the pandemic.

Rather than spending more funds on questionable tracking and tracing systems, Thailand would be wise to continue its vaccination programmes, maintain mask and social-distancing recommendations, and step up the quality of treatment for those unfortunate enough to contract serious cases of Covid.

Easing English

Re: "Unspoken English," (PostBag, Feb 6) and "Education reform project aligns with Thailand 4.0", (PostBag, Feb 3).

Being an English teacher, I agree with recent posts and articles that there are issues with both the Education Department and students' attitudes. I believe that actually simplifying the English language would make it easier to learn and possibly overcome much of the obstacles.

The written language should match the spoken version and eliminate "silent" letters and varying letter combinations to make the same sound. The letter "C" for example should be completely eliminated. The "k" sound and "s" sound are not required since other letters perform these sounds. Rules should be followed instead of allowing exceptions or irregularities. Listen to a child use the word "gooder" or "goodest" and it is apparent.

Until the English language itself is simplified and the unneeded is removed, it will remain a difficult language to teach and accept. It is well past time to "trim the fat".

Bank bureaucracy

Re: "BoT to help country embrace digital," (BP, Feb 10).

The Bank of Thailand Governor Sethaput Suthiwartnarueput's claim that his bank aims to "help Thailand's move to embrace modern trends involving digital technology and sustainability" rings hollow when you know first hand that his own bank is so heavily reliant on paper-based systems. It is impossible to do any transaction at the bank without producing your passport, which is photocopied, and which you have to sign. Over the years, the BoT must have collected dozens of photocopies of my various passports and visas. How much simpler and economical it would be if once a year the bank scanned my passport and visa into its system.

Virus numbers gone

Re: "PM lauds nation's Covid index boost," (BP, Feb 2).

What I can't understand is why from a few months ago this government was going on about how good things were going with vaccines. Every day, they reported how many hundred thousand people had whatever shot it was. Now, nothing. You have to hunt to find the relative stats. In Pattaya, we have Bangkok Hospital saying we have vaccines but only 500 a week. Whatever happened to the 1,000,000 shots day?

It's not all doom

Some months ago, columnist and economist Chartchai Parasuk contributed a couple of doom articles for the Bangkok Post, all dire and predicting a Thai economic recession, that the government was running out of money -- and more. Four months later, the Covid-19 situation is so much better, tourists are coming back -- and the economy is expected to rebound by up 4% this year. Anyway, those are the latest projections. Most of all the SET Index, often a leading indicator, is flirting with 1,700, an all-time high.

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