What's it all about?

Re: "Job vacancy: Must be good at promises", (PostScript, May 15).

Yes, indeed. You always wonder what the governor of Bangkok will concentrate on after winning the election. Every 100 metres, you can see posters of smiling and grinning candidates. One must wonder how many millions of baht is spent hanging these banners and posters on lampposts and ageing trees in every soi. All those in this rat race have to think about their return on investment.

What comes to your mind? Sure, corruption, contracts, hush money, kickbacks, and scandals. Is there any other way to recoup this massive investment in electioneering madness? Nikita Khrushchev of the old Soviet Union aptly said, "Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges even when there are no rivers."

No way out

Re: "Thai Pass to be axed for locals", (BP, May 21).

What's this fuss over eliminating the Thailand Pass for the few Thais entering the country? Why do "foreigners" still have to get this with its insurance requirement? Has anyone even used the Covid-19 insurance, or is it just a way to feed the insurance industry? At 81, I can't buy any form of medical insurance despite having several million baht in my bank account here.

When are we going to be allowed to travel freely again?

Irresponsible shift

Re: "Bars call for end to midnight closing", (Business, May 21).

To me it seems irresponsible to allow unvaccinated travellers, and now even without quarantine. Testing before travelling is more or less valueless after 72 hours -- I (and many people I know) got sick after less than 48 hours. Unvaccinated people are irresponsible, and they should stay home, ashamed of themselves!

Because of this irresponsible policy, despite having had three vaccines and been through Covid in February, I prefer to stay away from Thailand.

Capital only

Re: "Renew subscription and enter lucky draw", (Guru, May 20-26).

The Bangkok Post is most aptly named, for it could never pretend to be, or aspire to be, "The Thailand Post".

What your advertisement for renewal of subscriptions fails to mention, is that this offer -- complete with the carrot of fabulous prizes worth up to 30,000 baht -- is only available to Bangkok readers. It is certainly not available to outlying provinces like Rayong, where you do not allow subscriptions.

Every day for nearly 16 years I have driven at dawn into Rayong to buy my copy at the full price of 30 baht, a round trip of eight kilometres. But unfortunately, the situation has deteriorated.

Two years ago, the largest news agency in Rayong stopped ordering copies of the Bangkok Post. Fortunately, a sub-agency continued to order one copy -- for me! And I pay them, even when I am travelling elsewhere and cannot pick up my daily copy.

Now that sub-agency has decided that it needs a day off on Sunday (which I think is well deserved), so on Sunday no copies of the Post are delivered to Rayong city.

I believe a few copies may be delivered to Ban Phe, where there is a relatively large expatriate community, but I am not willing to drive a round trip of 30 km just for the pleasure of Sunday's reading.

Long may Bangkok Post prosper for its Bangkok readers.

CONTACT: BANGKOK POST BUILDING 136 Na Ranong Road Klong Toey, Bangkok 10110 Fax: +02 6164000 email: postbag@bangkokpost.co.th
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22 May 2022 22 May 2022
24 May 2022 24 May 2022


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