Gold medal bonanza

Re: "SEA Games gold medal haul and targets", (BP sports pages, May 24).

I was astonished to see that Vietnam alone has won 205 gold medals at the SEA Games, followed by Thailand, lagging behind at a mere 92. What shocked me was the overall amount of 525 gold medals awarded. I would love to know what "sports" were included in the games, as even the Olympic Games in Tokyo had only 339 events.

I suspect that many participants got a gold medal just for attending?

There must have been a Vietnam Klondike gold rush and the surplus minted into the medals.

The Thai athletes will thus greatly improve the Thai gold reserves.

Let's have more of such gold bonanzas.


Great expectations

Re: "Big Chadchart win", (BP, May 23).

Having read governor Chadchart's biography and campaign pledges, I do not congratulate Governor Chadchart for his landslide victory but congratulate the 10.7 million people of Bangkok for having such a governor with an impressive family and educational background with practical experience that might give us hope if at least half of his promises can be delivered. His subordinates at City Hall and plenty of lobbyists are likely to stymie the other half.

Given the impressive public services of his family and his devotion to civic duty, one also hopes that in the end, there will be no malfeasance or corruption charges against him.

I and all Bangkokians should thank him for pursuing this unenviable position and also his family for selflessly supporting him for the good of Bangkok.


Lyrical reminders

Re: "Missing the point", (PostBag, May 24).

I fully agree with David Brown about the tone of Mr Bahrt's letters. It reminds me of the song found in Princess Ida by Gilbert and Sullivan, which goes:

Oh don't the days seem lank and long,

When all goes right and nothing goes wrong

And isn't your life extremely flat

With nothing whatever to grumble at

Could he perhaps take his demeanour from the song in The King and I, aptly based in Siam, Whistle a happy tune?


Time to move on

Re: "Diplomatic discredit", (PostBag, May 24) and "Shoulder chip", (PostBag, May 21).

I would like to thank Alex for his response to the Russian ambassador's piece recently published.

Like many, as soon as I saw it was from the Russian Embassy, I knew what we were getting, so I moved on. As recently expressed, one of the first casualties of war is the truth.

I move on rapidly with a number of your regular contributors, repeating the same things over and over again; it doesn't make their arguments any truer or saner. With regard to your regular contributor, Kuldeep Nagi, I really don't know what planet he inhabits, certainly not this one.

The problem is that these regular writer-ins have an odour of fanaticism about them. Fanatics cannot be argued with and they won't change their mind.

None of this detracts from your excellent publication, thank you.

Thank you also because, yes, I can still get a copy of the Post -- as long as I know where to go.

25 May 2022 25 May 2022
27 May 2022 27 May 2022


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