Unfit comparison

Re: "No time for religion", (BP, Oct 1) and "Iran steps up activist, journalist arrests in protest crackdown", (BP, Sept 27).

I would advise Mr Felix Qui not to compare Hinduism and its related religions. Hinduism is the only ancient religion which does not believe in the concept of only my God is true. It's only Hinduism which first proposed concepts like Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti -- "There is only one truth (or true being) and learned persons call it by many names". As individuals, we may choose different paths and teachings but eventually, all lead to the same truth. The choice of which God to worship or how to worship is left to the individual.

Hinduism has always stood for the right to religious freedom universally. Hinduism does not believe in conversions. Hinduism believes in the divine nature of the universe and that humans, animals, plants along with everything else in nature, are but a part of it. The concept of non-violence (Ahimsa) also stems from this Hindu philosophy of not hurting any living being. Its spread was devoid of any bloodshed or invasions. Hinduism can never be compared to communism and fascism.


Gandhi's legacy

Re: "Pope declares nuclear threat 'absurd'," (BP, Oct 4).

In a world characterised at present by global vulnerabilities, perplexities and discontinuities, and unprecedented explosions of violence in 2022, it would be quite regrettable to forget that Oct 2 is the International Day of Non-Violence proclaimed by the 193 members of the United Nations to mark Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary.

In his highly humanistic opinion "Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man." Moreover, he asserted: "without truth and non-violence there could be nothing but destruction of humanity".

Today, in the light of terrible violence in Europe, the Gandhian legacy recommends itself as an inexhaustible source of eternal inspiration for leadership dedicated to fostering respect for the fundamental values inherent in the ideals of peace, including full respect for the life, dignity and integrity of all human beings, as well as promoting friendship, tolerance and solidarity at the regional and planetary level.

Ioan Voicu

Sky-high antics

Re: "RTAF out of touch", (Editorial, Sept 30).

Regarding the RTAF's sufficiently essential "plan to host a lavish inauguration ceremony for the new air force commander-in-chief, including a flyover", the traditional saw universally venerated by generations of Thai ancestors explains it perfectly: sacred is as sacred does.

Felix Qui

Nasal spray caution

Re: "Uni's nasal spray to hit stores this week", (BP, Sept 27).

According to your article, a team of doctors and researchers from Chulalongkorn University said "the spray is truly a Thai innovation for Thai people".

Curiously enough, the active ingredient, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, is a common construction chemical found in mortar, adhesives, and putty. It is also used widely in the pharmaceutical industry for coating tablets. As such, its harmful effects on humans have been studied. Among many listed, the worst may be that it is carcinogenic according to the following caution, "evidence suggests that chemicals released during the breakdown of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose can cause genetic mutations which may be directly linked to cancer development".

It would seem therefore that Thai people should putty their noses cautiously.

Michael Setter
04 Oct 2022 04 Oct 2022
06 Oct 2022 06 Oct 2022


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