Lottery rethink
Re: "Daylight robbery", (PostBag, Feb 2).
I sincerely thank Khun Paul for mentioning me as "implying that the problem of overpriced lottery tickets would be solved once they were sold online" and noting that going online hadn't solved the problem.
I never said going online would make lottery tickets come down to 80 baht, as they'd still be a monopoly. You need vigorous competition to squeeze out excess profits; there should be enough legal lotteries for underground ones to close. There's no reason for lotteries to be government-run; they should be open to the private sector, under government regulation; just like alcoholic beverages. Winning numbers can be based on any random occurrence, such as the S&P500 closing stock index.
Prices and payout ratios can be whatever the private company wishes; again, like alcoholic beverages. Since lotteries are a tax on lower-income buyers and the GLO's run for charities, profits above a given point should be earmarked for charities -- starting with the handicapped who previously received tickets for resale until they are all gainfully employed in other occupations secure enough for their retirement.
Burin Kantabutra
Graft formula
Re: "Cops are queuing up for inactive posts", (PostScript, Roger Crutchley, BP, Feb 5).
Yes, Roger Crutchley. The rampant use of "inactive posts" is a unique Thai invention and looks like a genuine effort to keep everyone in the establishment happy. Knowing that corruption is endemic or systemic, it is better to move a few to such prestigious positions instead of getting the whole rank and file in trouble.
It took a while in the USA to get a handle on systemic corruption. During the era of John Gotti, in New York and other places, such as Chicago and Los Angeles, every law and order force was corrupt. It became evident that the low salaries of law enforcement officials were one of the reasons. Sadly, the get-rich syndrome has also become a common disorder here.
Thailand needs to investigate why there is endemic corruption in every sector. The issues related to low salaries, lack of training, a flawed justice system, poverty, and poor education must be addressed.
Lack of accountability in governance is the root cause of corruption in any society.
Kuldeep Nagi
Eat to win
Re: "Novak was right", (PostBag, Feb 2).
I am also an admirer of Novak Djokovic. However, I have to say Max Wright is wrong in citing just one single case of refraining from vaccination as the reason behind success in a tennis tournament or in surviving through the Covid-19 pandemic.
Novak Djokovic wrote in his 2014 book Serve to Win; the 14-day Gluten-Free Plan for Physical and Mental Excellence how the gluten-free diet helped take him from the "brink of failure" to his career success. His recipe for success involved avoiding gluten and dairy and limiting sugar. His diet was based on vegetables, beans, white meat, fish, fruit, nuts, seeds, chickpeas, lentils, and healthy oils.
Thanin Bumrungsap
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