Let's thank Chuvit

Re: "Top cops linked to illegal site/ CCIB to quiz Thai actress in Taiwan/ 46 arrested over macau888", (BP, Feb 9, 10).

Chuvit Kamolvisit is indeed brave to blow the whistle on the police by the hundreds, even including generals. Many millions of Thais, including me, hope he succeeds.

But he's climbing the wrong mountain. He's rooting out individual rogues, who are the result of the existing system.

The whole police culture is rotten and needs to be solved with a holistic approach, including compensation, job-related key performance indicators, decentralisation, and so on.

Then-PM Abhisit Vejjajiva knew that a holistic, top-to-bottom approach was needed, and commissioned Pol Gen Vasit Dejkunjorn to propose such a solution -- but Gen Vasit's proposals weren't even discussed in parliament.

Likewise, PM Gen Prayut has hidden ex-graftbuster Vicha Mahakun panel's report on reforming the RTP and public prosecutor's office for over two years because Gen Prayut lacks the political will to order the scale of change required.

Chuvit's placing his life on the line to show us the need for extensive change. We must back Chuvit to the hilt. Encourage the media to get Prayut to release the Vicha report and get your favourite party to commit to vigorously implement the reforms proposed.

Burin Kantabutra

Balloon propaganda

Re: "Balloon overblown," (PostBag, Feb 10).

ML Saksiri Kridakorn is correct to categorise the recent Chinese balloon story as propaganda.

Coming as it did, days after the US had secured a deal for four Philippines military bases, much to China's chagrin, it was definitely a propaganda effort. Sadly for China, it ended in tears.

Tarquin Chufflebottom

Migrant vitriol

Re: "Sign of Ignorance," (PostBag, Feb 4).

Kuldeep Nagi writes: "Prejudice is universal and comes naturally to people who think that they know better or they own their country".

What an apt description of yourself! You further state, "Immigrants in any country are there for only two reasons, either to make money or save money. Your sage advice is wasted because you are also an immigrant, and you are here for the same reason".

Sir, I am the very man (then 90, now 94) who garnered some previous favourable publicity when I was forced to leave Thailand because of the draconian financial and immigration restrictions and requirements.

I was not living in Thailand to "make money" or "save money". I was living in Thailand enjoying a leisurely retirement.

Therefore, I am not now an immigrant but still feel, as is my right, that I can question narrow and biased motives from those who write vitriolic comments about countries not their own.

Donald Graber

Times a 'changin'

As a Canadian woman, age 63, who is now visiting Thailand for the fifth time, I'd like to share how much I love your country: from the warm, friendly people, the art and architecture to your delicious food. I've noticed a thing or two about the changes I've seen in Thais from 1990 to 2023.

On the first visit, in 1990. I remember Thais were smaller than my 164cm height, and weighed less than my then 55kg weight.

Three decades later, younger Thais are taller than me, and have stronger, bigger bones. Thanks to Thailand achieving substantial economic growth over the past three decades, I imagine that more people gained access to more nutritious food.

Now I see a proliferation of fast food companies, coffee shops and high-fat snacks in stores.

I'm writing to warn Thais that when Canadians started buying highly-processed foods in grocery stores in the 1960s and also at fast food restaurants which serve an addictive combination of fat-sugar-salt foods, we started to gain weight.

Now Canadians are dying prematurely from obesity, high alcohol consumption, heart disease and strokes.

In the past 32 years, I've noticed that many Thai women are changing their appearance. Now, many lighten their hair and skin colour, or wear blue contact lenses.

Canadian women have been subjected for decades to high-pressure advertising that succeeds in making women feel badly about their appearance; so badly that women spend a fortune lightening their hair and buying expensive creams and makeup.

In my opinion, Thais are perfect just the way they are. I love your darker skin. I love your black hair. You are beautiful just the way you are.

Georgina Hunter
CONTACT: BANGKOK POST BUILDING136 Na Ranong Road Klong Toey, Bangkok 10110Fax: +02 6164000 email: postbag@bangkokpost.co.th
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11 Feb 2023 11 Feb 2023
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