UTN's real roadmap

Re: "PM launches party campaign slogan in Isan", (BP, Feb 26). Unfortunately, Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha continues to set a bad example for Thai students.

For the grammatically challenged, verbs typically need a noun or two, and often other parts of speech, to communicate any sensible meaning.

The vacuous phrase "Done, doing, will continue", could mean anything, so it really means nothing.

If I might assist, the United Thai Nation (UTN) Party motto in the accurate version that means something is: "Done the coup part of the road map. Doing the suppression of democracy part of the road map. Will continue the past failures and made-to-be-broken promises as long as opportunity can be grabbed."

Felix Qui

Re-cobbling USSR

Re: "US policy fails again", (BP, Feb 28).

In his letter, Kuldeep Nagi closes with the line, "Funding war in a faraway land exemplifies another [USA] policy disaster". As an American, I'll be the first to agree that the US has made wrong international policy decisions over the past 125 years. Yet Uncle Sam has also done some good things overseas.

Kuwait and the former Yugoslavia are two recent examples.

Simply put, the US and EU (Nato) and some other decent countries are helping Ukrainians protect their country and their families from Vladimir Putin's unprovoked invasion.

It's plain that if Mr Putin succeeds, he will be emboldened to continue to attack other former Soviet countries in pursuit of his goal to re-cobble the USSR.

Ken Albertsen

Regenerative farms

Re: "Time for a new green revolution", (Opinion, Feb 24).

Bjorn Lomborg, the erstwhile "eco-optimist", makes a great point about "every dollar spent on agriculture R&D [delivers] an outstanding $33 of social benefits, making this a spectacular investment".

Very true, and this number will get even higher with a focus on "regenerative agriculture" that Harmless Harvest is promoting.

Regenerative farming goes beyond organic to embrace practices such as cover-cropping, composting, inter-cropping, bee hives for pollination, natural windbreaks, combining arable and livestock farming, and so on.

These diverse practices create the most healthy ecosystem possible, on the farm, just as nature intended it, benefiting farmers with increased yields, multiple crop revenues and resilience in the face of climate change.

We are also learning that regenerative farms act as tremendous carbon sinks and so help to reverse climate change. Indeed it is well accepted now that if all agricultural land on Earth followed regenerative farming, then climate change would be reversed in just five years.

Simon Denye

Mask theory bias

Re: "Mask debate 1", (PostBag, Feb 26) & "Mask debate 2", (PostBag, Feb 26).

Burin Kantabutra notes the Cochrane Review summarised the results of 78 randomised controlled trials and found that masks do little in preventing the spread of Covid-19 -- but then goes on to add that Australian researchers and others found flaws with the results obtained in the review. In fact, he believes masks help prevent the spread of the coronavirus and that people should continue to get boosters.

Jason Jellison argues the Cochrane Review confirms the uselessness of masks in preventing the spread of Covid-19.

Those who support the wearing of masks to combat the coronavirus will find whatever confirming evidence they can to support their claims, and vice-versa.

01 Mar 2023 01 Mar 2023
03 Mar 2023 03 Mar 2023


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