On media freedoms

Re: "Thailand moves up the press freedom table", (BP, May 3).

I'm very glad that, despite strong resistance from the present government, Thailand's been moving up the Press Freedom Table of Reporters Without Borders. Out of the 180 countries evaluated, we were 140th in 2020, 137th in 2021, then 115th last year.

But there's so very far to go; we cannot rest on our laurels. For example, which investigative journalist dares probe the provenance of DPM Prawit's 22 luxury watches, worth over 20 million baht in total? Or the elderly Anchan P, who was initially sentenced to a massive 87 years for her non-violent FaceBook and YouTube posts criticising the monarchy.

Who dares evaluate that sentence in light of our beloved national father, His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great's statement, delivered during his 2005 birthday address, that "the use of the lese-majeste law ultimately damages the monarchy"?

Burin Kantabutra
Water saving tips

Re: "Industry urges drought measures", (Business, May 4).

Since the UN is predicting the world will run out of drinking water by 2050, may I suggest how to save not only water but the environment, as well as money. Remember that the water authorities are following the electricity companies in doubling the bills.

My wife and I do not flush the toilet every use, only when solid matter is involved. Instead, we put bleach in the toilet and close the lid to stop the odour and staining. I have also adjusted the water inflow into the tank so only about 3 litres of water are flushed out. This way, we save at least 15 flushes of toilet water daily, estimated at 50 litres a day. We do not run the shower all the time but shower quickly, then stop the water, soap ourselves and only then quickly wash the soap and shampoo off.

Furthermore, we never run the tap while brushing our teeth, only for rinsing our mouths. This amounts to another at least 50 litres of water a week. Thus the two of us save at least 400 litres of water a week. This will save water resources as well as the big bills that are coming our way.

Imagine how much a family of four or more people would save. Multiply that by the whole nation.

There is a saying: "Save water, shower with a friend". Well, it is true and much more fun!

Miro King, the water diviner
Thaksin's choice

Re: "Could've, should've", (PostBag, May 4).

How one wishes that Khun Thaksin Shinawatra had not ever left Thailand under the pretext of attending the Beijing Olympics in 2008 and self-exiled from Thailand as though for good.

He could have ended up as another saviour because of his past deeds in making Thailand matter, if one can forgive his many other lapses. As we all like to say, "Face the consequences like a man", and he could have gone to jail as a qualification for the future.

His future could then have been either a short term in prison or back to furthering his political life, similar to many leaders previously tainted by jail terms like Gandhi, Mandela, Deng Xiaoping, or even the current Chinese president, Xi Jinping, Malaysia's prime minister, Anwar Ibrahim or Brazil's president, Lula.

Sir, it is too late to whine about what is unjust and resume the blame game. It was your choice to become a refugee, and please do not drag the country to division like the last attempt of your powerful party.

Songdej Praditsmanont
CONTACT: BANGKOK POST BUILDING136 Na Ranong Road Klong Toey, Bangkok 10110Fax: +02 6164000 email: postbag@bangkokpost.co.th
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