Plain as day

Re: "NOB to investigate case of 'son of Buddha reincarnate'", (BP, April 26).

I don't know why anyone should imagine the National Office of Buddhism (NOB) might require assistance with their deliberation about the authenticity of Nong Nice. Perhaps because they indicate a thorough investigation is necessary?

One point to consider is that enlightenment is not a trait transferable by genetic inheritance. Therefore, whether one is a long lost family member of Gautama Buddha (or Thaksin Shinawatra) makes no difference in spiritual potential, despite what Jesus said about rich men being barred from the kingdom of heaven.

And surely telepathic phone calls with Vladimir Putin don't count for much either. By now the NOB should have SOPs from the flying saucer temple scam, the 747 flying-high monk debacle and hundreds of others, shouldn't they?

In summary all these scams are absurdly, self-evidently obvious. But this is how people learn, and they should be allowed to learn it seems to me.

Michael Setter
More fallacies

Re: "Your allergies really are getting much worse", (Opinion, April 23).

This article from Bloomberg is a fine example of how the climate change narrative is broadening its fallacious scope to include blaming CO2 for causing plants to grow, which is bad because it "causes" allergies. What absurdly ridiculous lies!

Plants produce oxygen and food by sequestering atmospheric CO2 which according to the phoney theory that CO2 is bad should be good right? But in the twisted reasoning of anti-human climate crazy Lisa Jarvis, plants are bad because according to an expert, "Pollen is a really clear example of how climate change is with us here and now, in our backyards and already affecting our health".

Western medicine intentionally confuses the relief of symptoms and the cause of disease due to profit motivation. Allergens such as pollen are said to "cause" an allergic reaction. But what is the root cause of allergic disease?

Quite simply it is a weakened and unbalanced immune system. The immune system fails to mature due to a lack of environmental stimulation, and instead allergic and autoimmune diseases develop. One of the principal causes for the increase in allergic disease is insufficient exposure to natural environments. A child who grows up in a city, eats packaged food, wears a mask, is lathered in disinfectant at every turn, and interacts with few animals, little dirt and no sunshine is at high risk of suffering allergic disease.

Lastly, the economic losses which the author falsely attributes to climate change are claimed to be in the billions. In fact, to achieve "net zero" has been reliably estimated to cost more than US$4 trillion.

Michael Setter
You read it here first

Re: "Weather wars", (PostBag, April 23).

I see Michael Setter has been on his favourite websites again.

Not only does he think there is no evidence of "rapid climate change", but he believes that the recent record rainfall in the Middle East was down to "Iranian drones".

Then he tells us about " satellite-born, ultra-high energy discharge devices that cause fires and earthquakes".

Are these the "Jewish space lasers" of which a certain wacky US politician spoke?

I can only (hopefully) assume the Postbag Editor allows these posts through for entertainment value.

Tarquin Chufflebottom
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