14 APR 2011

Bangkok Hostage Drama

A computer repairman, believed to be under the influence of drugs, stole two cars, shot and killed a policeman and a taxi driver, took a doctor hostage and shot and wounded several police before finally being killed by police fire in Bangkok. Thada Inthamas, 37, commandeered a Toyota Camry from Nonthaburi, stabbed, shot and killed traffic policeman Likasit Pilasri of Dusit police station. He stole another Toyota Camry and took hostage the owner, Dr Pipatra Sailohit, 28, a doctor at Suranaree Army Camp Hospital. He also shot and killed a taxi driver who tried to stop him.Thada opened fire, injuring several police. Police fired back at the car, killing Thada and seriously wounding the doctor who was taken to Rajavithi Hospital. Photos by Post Photographers

Bangkok Hostage Drama
A bullet-riddled Toyota Camry. Police fired at the car to stop Thada. Photo by Apichart Jinakul
Bangkok Hostage Drama
Police mapped out the spots where the bullet shells from the shootout were found near Phaya Thai Road. Photo by Apichart Jinakul
Bangkok Hostage Drama
Police inspect the Thada's body inside the car.Photo by Apichart Jinakul
Bangkok Hostage Drama
Forensic science officers take a close look at the car.Photo by Apichart Jinakul
Bangkok Hostage Drama
People watch the scene from a footbridge above. Photo by Apichart Jinakul
Bangkok Hostage Drama
Rescue workers remove Thada's body from the car.Photo by Apichart Jinakul
Bangkok Hostage Drama
Police partly open Phaya Thai Road after clearing the crime scene.Photo by Apichart Jinakul
Bangkok Hostage Drama
The first Toyota Camry which Thada stole in Nonthaburi is damaged.Photo by Prikit Jantawong
Bangkok Hostage Drama
The family of Snr Pol Sgt Likasit Pilasri, of Dusit police station, cries after they witness his body at the hospital.
Bangkok Hostage Drama
Police gather details of the taxi involved in the shootout. Thada shot the driver when he tried to stop his car being taken.Photo by Prikit Jantawong
Bangkok Hostage Drama
Pol Snr Sgt Maj Jirote Boonthongkam, a Phaya Thai traffic policeman, is in critical condition after he tried to stop Thada near the Si Ayutthaya intersection.
Bangkok Hostage Drama
Dr Pipatra's mother stays at her daughter's bedside at Rajavithi Hospital.