Many tips from average golfers are useless

Many tips from average golfers are useless

If you regularly practise around other golfers or play with a regular group of friends, you're going to be offered tips all the time.

Keep your head down, amend your grip, alter your stance.

There are numerous tips that you've probably heard time and time again.

Unfortunately, many of these tips are useless as an average golfer is not a golf instructor, and anytime you receive a tip while on the range or out on the course, you need to be careful to consider if the tip is going to assist or hinder.

Here's some swing thoughts, a smorgasbord to ponder as we begin 2023.

The correct swing speed is about getting the perfect tempo.

So, let's keep it simple and counter to what many golfers believe, your backswing should take three times as long as your downswing but moving swiftly away from the ball as speed accumulates.

And if you want to hit the ball over 300 yards, your driver must be travelling at about 108mph therefore, think hard if it's even possible for you to achieve this without ending up in the emergency ward.

There's a variety of different grips used in the game, and all are capable of producing good golf.

However, there is one common denominator -- all grips should be relaxed in order to promote club head speed.

A number of golfers squeeze onto the grip too tightly as they swing, and a loss of power and speed will be the result.

You can't have the club flying out of your hands as you swing, so the grip does need to be tight enough to hold on.

Out of Bounds: Some golfers cause happiness wherever they go, others whenever they go.

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