A good shoulder turn will add power and consistency
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A good shoulder turn will add power and consistency

Rotation keeps coming up when attempting to analyse the swings we use when negotiating a small ball around a golf course.

You simply won't be able to hit the ball far and reliably without turning or rotating the body properly.

Shoulders are at the heart of the body's rotation and a good shoulder turn will add power and consistency to your game, allowing you to hit the ball further.

If you are someone who finds the shoulder turn awkward to navigate in your swing, then there is a good chance you will be missing out on some valuable distance and accuracy in your shots.

Turning your shoulders in the golf swing is a straightforward process and it's important that you understand why moving your shoulders correctly creates torque in the body, which is necessary for generating momentum and club speed when you come to uncoil in the downswing.

Without allowing your shoulders to turn, you will be limiting the amount you can rotate your body, relying on just the arms to generate the power in your swing, which means you won't be able to hit the ball nearly as far as you would like.

To maximise power and consistency in your strike, the whole body has to work in unison throughout a golf swing.

Turning your shoulders the right way allows other parts of the body to move comfortably to deliver a successful weight transfer through the shot which in turn lets your body and club approach the golf ball at the correct angle allowing power efficiently in your strike.

Out of Bounds: Last week a group of old golfers, who play together regularly and who have collected my tips over the years, took the time to let me know that over the last 28 years of my association with the paper I have produced roughly 1.456 golf tips. This has made me realise that I'm getting old and that the golf swing must be extremely complicated.

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