Do these drills to keep your head still
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Do these drills to keep your head still

Every golfer is willing to offer words of wisdom and advice about keeping your head still, and each time a bad shot comes around the chances are you'll hear the comment that it was because you moved your head.

So, here's a couple of practice routines to help you practise swinging the golf club and keeping your head still in the process.

These drills can be done at home or in the garden, and you don't even need a golf club.

Just put your head up against a wall at home and allow your arms to hang as if in the address position and then swing your arms as if they held a club.

You will soon feel whether your head moves.

If the sun is out, get to the garden and swing the club.

Observe whether the shadow of your head moves during the swing.

Both these drills are simple, yet effective as over time your body will then remember what to do.

Out of Bounds: "I can't tell if people are becoming more stupid, or if my tolerance for idiots is getting lower" was a comment from a golfer I recently overheard, which made me strangely uneasy and contemplate whether he was directing it at me!

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