Muay Thai demo set for Paris Games
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Muay Thai demo set for Paris Games

A Muay Thai fight demonstration will be featured during the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris, touted as the first step towards the sport’s inclusion in the international event.

The International Federation of Muaythai Associations on Thursday held a press conference with IFMA acting president Sakchye Tapsuwan, Sports Authority of Thailand governor Kongsak Yodmanee, Professional Boxing Association of Thailand president and IFMA president Somchart Charoenwacharawit and French Federation of Kickboxing, Muaythai and Associated Disciplines president Nadir Allouache.

Mr Sakchye said the National Olympic Committee of France, the organiser of this year’s Summer Olympics, has agreed to allow the IFMA to stage a Muay Thai demonstration at the Olympic Park in Paris during the sporting event.

According to him, IFMA member states will send their Muay Thai fighters to participate in the demonstration.

There will be a wai khru performance to pay respects to Muay Thai teachers, along with a showcase of traditional Muay Thai music, he said.

The demonstration will also feature Buakaw Banchamek, a well-known Muay Thai fighter, he said.

Mr Sakchye said that Muay Thai will also be included as one of the “side programmes” of the Olympic Games Paris 2024. Muay Thai workshops will also be offered in the Olympic Park for five days, he added.

Mr Allouache said the fight demonstration will mark a significant cooperation and the first step towards the inclusion of Thai boxing in the Olympic Games.

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