As we all know the golf swing looks like one movement, but it's actually made up of many movements all working together. This means that if the clubface is just a little bit off the result is going to grow into a large error by the time the ball comes to rest. If the face is two or three degrees off at impact, the ball will be 20-30 yards off at 200 yards.
There are four things that make a good shot -- angle of the clubhead, path of the club, clubhead speed at impact and striking the ball in the centre of the clubface. There is so much talk about the overall swing that we forget about the angle of the clubface at impact. When we see marks on the bottom of our woods we sometimes mistakenly think that we're swinging across the ball from the outside, but it could just as easily be an open clubface that causes the marks.
Square the clubface at address to give yourself a better chance to keep it square at impact. Check on the range if your clubface is square, or perhaps closed as you may be surprised at what you find.
Out of Bounds: Have you noticed that only bad golfers are lucky. They're the ones bouncing balls off trees whilst good golfers can only look in despair at where their Titleist's end up.