Master your putting and transform your game in '25
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Master your putting and transform your game in '25

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Let's start the New Year off with something very basic 'Putting' -- as whether we like it or not for the average golfer, half of golf is putting. Top players earning their living on Tour only use up around 26, 27 or 28 putts per round. This basically relates to two putts every other hole and just one putt for the hole in between.

So, take a step back and think about this statistic and count up how many putts (strokes) you use up per round? -- If you're honest it will be in the region of 38 + which would be a good third more of the number required for a good putter who knows what they're doing. The brain of Einstein would not be required to tell us that some serious time is required to gain a better putting technique or the ability to read greens better. Even buying a new putter might also be worth contemplating.

To be able to gain 10 shots from your putting this coming year should be at the top of your New Year resolutions list. Come your next competition just think of how better your score will be. Nobody really likes practicing putting but force yourself to practice at least an hour a week and you'll see a difference. Every round you play, add up your putts and try for an improvement on the next round.

Out of bounds: Thanks for the enquiries about how my PGA Tour CEO application is going. I received confirmation that it's being carefully considered but there was a query on my age and if l could mentally handle all the traumatic times ahead. I responded by saying that 50+ years of teaching the golf swing to all kinds of mentally deficient souls has made me more than adequate to be able to tackle any situation.

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