Marines wounded by bomb in Narathiwat
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Marines wounded by bomb in Narathiwat

Police gather evidence at the bomb scene in Bacho district of Narathiwat on Monday morning. (Photo by Waedao Harai)
Police gather evidence at the bomb scene in Bacho district of Narathiwat on Monday morning. (Photo by Waedao Harai)

NARATHIWAT -- Two marines were wounded, one of them seriously, by a bomb explosion in Bacho district on Monday morning, police reported.

Pol Col Patta Madawa, the Bacho police chief, said the bomb detonated about 7.20am on Phetkasem Highway in front of the mosque at Ban Sompoi in tambon Kayo Mati.

It targeted eight marines from Narathiwat Task Force 32 who were patrolling the road on four motorcycles, providing security for teachers. The bomb, hidden on the roadside, was detonated remotely by radio as they went passed, police said. 

Warrant Officer 1st Class Ong-art Sihabut, the team leader, was seriously wounded in the right shoulder and right cheek by bomb shrapnel and Pvt Aran Promnuam was hit in the mouth.  They were admitted to Narathiwat Ratchanakarin Hospital.

About 10 minutes after the first explosion, another bomb detonated on the other side of the road.  No one was hurt in the second blast.

The two bombs were inside gas cylinders, each weighing about 20 kilogrammes.

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