Dinosaurs at Government House
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Dinosaurs at Government House

An official at Government House takes a selfie in front of a dinosaur model installed at Government House on Thursday for Children's Day activities this Saturday. (Photo by Thiti Wannamontha)
An official at Government House takes a selfie in front of a dinosaur model installed at Government House on Thursday for Children's Day activities this Saturday. (Photo by Thiti Wannamontha)

Twenty big dinosaur models are waiting for children who will celebrate the Children's Day at Government House on Saturday.

The Department of Mineral Resources brought the models from Sirindhorn Dinosaur Museum in Kalasin province and Phu Wiang Dinosaur Museum in Khon Kaen. Dinosaur fossils had been discovered in both northeastern provinces.

The models represent the species of fossilised dinosaurs discovered in Thailand. They include Phuwiangosaurus sirindornae, Siamotyrannus isanensis and Kinnareemimus dinosaurs.

Three models can move. One shows a mock skeleton and two others were placed for children to ride.

The models were displayed on the ground in front of Thai Khu Fah Building in the compound of Government House.

Children will also see exhibitions on the late King Bhumibol's work and enjoy activities by other government agencies there.

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