Woman stomped to death by angry elephants
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Woman stomped to death by angry elephants

KANCHANABURI - A Karen woman has been killed after being unable to escape an attack by a herd of wild elephants in a section of jungle in Thong Phaphum district.

The woman, identified only as Chama, and her husband Pujo bumped into 30 elephants drinking water in the middle of Huay Khayen forest reserve as they were walking home from work at a tapioca plant about 6pm on Tuesday.

The couple ran in fear of their lives but came upon another 10 elephants including baby jumbos waiting for them and running in their direction, Mr Pujo told Pol Col Sumit Boonyanit, a deputy chief of Thong Phaphum police station.

Pujo survived but the elephants closed in on his wife and stomped her, he said.

Pujo reported the incident to the authorities who went to the scene and quickly took the body from the forest as they were worried the elephants might return.

Since last year officials, including park rangers, soldiers, police and volunteers, have stepped up patrols to watch out for wild elephants invading villages to find food because of a shortage in the jungle.

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