Adaptability 'key to success'
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Adaptability 'key to success'

Adaptability is the key skill required to make people resilient to changes in the fast-paced, constantly changing world, said Finnish education expert and education entrepreneur Harri Suominen.

"We are a small nation, but we have a good product which is education," Mr Suominen, whose company Edunation is focusing on sending more students to Finland and increasing Finnish education exports to the world, said during a recent visit to Bangkok.

Mr Suominen said education is the key for solving almost any big problems faced by the world such as the possibility that robots and artificial intelligence might be taking over factory jobs and change the face of the labour market.

He said that since the face of job market is changing, the world needs to change the way it teaches and trains. "One way to do this is to create tailor-made courses to answer exactly the needs of business and yourself," he said.

He added that universities need to modify their course portfolios to properly address needs in the job market.

Meanwhile, Finnish ambassador Satu Suikkari-Kleven stressed that reforms which were introduced last year to in her country's education system are the key drivers for equipping students for the changing world.

She highlighted "phenomenol-based approach " where students bring different skills to tackling various issues introduced in the reforms. "Since we don't know what profession they will enter, the purpose of the reform was to develop complex problem-solving skills among young people and encouraging them to be innovative and learn how to learn by themselves," she said.

For the ambassador, two of the most important skills are the ability to pursue life-long learning and the ability to tackle new issues and challenges.

Mr Suominen added: "Education gives you the base to think creatively and independently, criticise, and understand how the world works." He added the world needs to cooperate to survive the changes presented by technology and innovation.

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