Gen Prem will not open house for birthday blessings
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Gen Prem will not open house for birthday blessings

Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda, front left, receives Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, right, who led cabinet ministers and military top brass to extend birthday wishes at Gen Prem's residence in Bangkok on Aug 24 last year. (File photo)
Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda, front left, receives Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, right, who led cabinet ministers and military top brass to extend birthday wishes at Gen Prem's residence in Bangkok on Aug 24 last year. (File photo)

Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda will not receive cabinet ministers and military top brass at his house on his birthday for health reasons.

Gen Pisanu Phutthawong, chief of the privy council president's office, said on Tuesday that Gen Prem ordered the door of his residence in Bangkok closed after the prime minister, cabinet ministers and armed forces' chiefs sought a meeting at the residence to traditionally extend their birthday wishes to Gen Prem this Friday.

Gen Prem will be 98 years old on Sunday.

"This goes along with doctors' advice for Gen Prem to avoid standing still for a long while. Gen Prem remains healthy and is able to stand and walk but he should not stand still for a long time. Earlier he stood for 20-30 minutes to receive birthday wishes," Gen Pisanu said.

Gen Prem thanked everyone who planned to meet him to extend birthday wishes. He would like everyone to be happy and he would be glad to receive birthday cards, Gen Pisanu said.

Gen Prem was following doctors' advice strictly. He attended only important events, followed dietary recommendations, exercised by walking, adhered to exact bedtimes and refrained from evening parties.

On Sunday, Gen Prem would make merit at Wat Ratchabophit, Gen Pisanu said.

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