First legal pot farm unveiled
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First legal pot farm unveiled

There's just enough room inside the confines of Thailand's first legal 'marijuana plantation' for a few media photographers and workers nurturing the weed. (Photo courtesy Government Pharmaceutical Organisation)
There's just enough room inside the confines of Thailand's first legal 'marijuana plantation' for a few media photographers and workers nurturing the weed. (Photo courtesy Government Pharmaceutical Organisation)

The country's first legal marijuana plantation was unveiled on Wednesday, amid intense public interest as Thailand embraces pot as a medical choice.

Despite the brouhaha over it, the country's first legal pot farm is only a small greenhouse about 100 square metres in size.

Even so, it cost the Government Pharmaceutical Organisation (GPO) 10 million baht to build. It is in the GPO's premises in Thanyaburi district in Pathum Thani province.

Presiding at the opening event was Public Health Minister Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn, as well as high-ranking officials of the ministry, medical researchers and Thai traditional medicine practitioners.

"The plantation is operated in a well-protected closed system which will enhance the quality of extracts to get the best substance," Dr Piyasakol told reporters.

Previously, he said the GPO tried to have oil extracted from cannabis confiscated by police, but it didn't work due to a high toxic contamination.

The GPO insists the greenhouse it has developed is foolproof. The GPO invested in so-called "aeroponics" technology that will guard marijuana from contamination. "This ultra-shielded environment will ensure that medical researchers will get only pure oil from the pot with full essential substances to treat diseases," Dr Piyasakol said.

Legalising marijuana is a big issue in Thailand, a nation that has always treated marijuana as strictly a narcotic until last year when the National Legislative Assembly approved a law allowing the plant to be used for medical purposes.

Marijuana offered new hope for the country's medical industry. Political parties such as Bhumjaithai even promised that if elected the party will legalise marijuana. The party said its pot policy has brought the party a lot of supporters.

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