Jit Arsa project builds nation of volunteers
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Jit Arsa project builds nation of volunteers

The royally initiated Jit Arsa (spirit of volunteering) project, also known as Jit Arsa 904 wor por ror, is headquartered in Sanam Sueapa. Admiral Prawit Ruchirathet, a deputy of His Majesty's Principal Private Secretary, serves as the director of the Jit Arsa centre.

The Internal Security Operations Command (Isoc) serves as the coordinator of the project. It has set up a regional coordination centre in each of the four regions: the Central Plains, Northeast, North and South.

Each province has a provincial Jit Arsa coordination centre that is headed by the provincial governor, who also normally serves as the head of the provincial Isoc office. These regional and provincial Jit Arsa centres coordinate activities and encourage more people to apply to become certified volunteers.

A background check is needed to become a Jit Arsa volunteer. Once certified, volunteers are required to attend a formal ceremony, where they are presented with a blue cap, a yellow scarf and Jit Arsa identification card. The ceremonies are performed in front of a portrait of His Majesty.

Upon becoming a Jit Arsa volunteer, one is required to strictly follow the project's regulations and dedicate themselves to working for the public good.

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