Ranger killed, another wounded in Pattani
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Ranger killed, another wounded in Pattani

Soldiers check passing cars at a security checkpoint in Narathiwat. (Bangkok Post file photo)
Soldiers check passing cars at a security checkpoint in Narathiwat. (Bangkok Post file photo)

PATTANI: A paramilitary ranger was shot dead and another wounded in a roadside ambush in Sai Buri district on Sunday night, police said.

The attack occurred about 6.40pm on a road in tambon Trobon.

Two men from the 44th Ranger Regiment - Sitthichai Pakdiphan and Pongchai Pongthong - were travelling on a motorcycle from a health screening checkpoint to buy food at a nearby village.

As they neared a bridge, a group of men on the roadside opened fire at them. Sitthichai was hit in the head and the back. He died on the spot. Pongchai was shot in the right arm.

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