Dead baby found in university pond
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Dead baby found in university pond

Rescue volunteers wrap the body of the baby in white cloth after he was retrieved from a park pond at Walailak University on Nakhon Si Thammarat on Monday. (Photo: Nujaree Raekrun)
Rescue volunteers wrap the body of the baby in white cloth after he was retrieved from a park pond at Walailak University on Nakhon Si Thammarat on Monday. (Photo: Nujaree Raekrun)

NAKHON SI THAMMARAT: The body of a newborn baby boy was found in a park pond at Walailak University, Tha Sala campus, on Monday, police said.

The discovery was reported to Tha Sala police about 10.30am, duty officer Pol Maj Jitrakorn Konglua said.

Police and a doctor from Tha Sala Hospital went to the university's park in tambon Thai Buri of Tha Sala district to investigate.

A security guard at the university said he saw a black plastic bag floating at the edge of the pond while on routine patrol. The bag was torn, sending a foul smell over the area. He called other security guards to help remove the bag from the pond.

There was a dead newborn child in the bag, a boy, wrapped in some cloth.

Police said the umbilical cord was still attached to the child.

Police were checking footage of security cameras in the area.

Rescuers from a charity foundation took the small body to Tha Sala Hospital for a post-mortem examination.

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