Phayao village lashed by storm
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Phayao village lashed by storm

Workers inspect electricity poles toppled by a storm in Muang district of Phayao on Saturday. (Photo by Saiarun Pinaduang)
Workers inspect electricity poles toppled by a storm in Muang district of Phayao on Saturday. (Photo by Saiarun Pinaduang)

PHAYAO: About 50 houses at a village in Muang district of this northern province were damaged and power poles brought down by a summer storm, causing a four-hour blackout on Saturday afternoon, local media reported.

Prapan Thianwiharn, mayor of the Tambon Mae Ka Municipality, said the violent storm hit tambon Mae Ka at about 4pm.

Hardest-hit was Mo Kaeng Tong village, where about 50 houses were damaged. Many trees crashed down over roads, blocking traffic. A highway police kiosk was crushed and damaged by one of the falling trees.

A succession of power poles stretching more than 10km were brought down by the storm between tambon Mae Ka to a part of Ngao district of nearby Lampang province, leaving the area without electricity for about four hours.

Tambon Mae Ka Municipality workers later removed fallen trees from the roads, allowing traffic to resume.

Mr Prapan said the damage was being assessed. Since most of the damage was made to the roofs of the houses, he believed about 3,000 roof tiles and metal roofing sheets would be needed forrepairs.

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