Former communist base in Phatthalung to become tourist spot
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Former communist base in Phatthalung to become tourist spot

Officials take a photo with a big tree at Ban Khao Kaew, which once was a base of the now-defunct Communist Party of Thailand, in Si Banphot district of Phatthalung on Sunday. (Photo by Assawin Pakkawa)
Officials take a photo with a big tree at Ban Khao Kaew, which once was a base of the now-defunct Communist Party of Thailand, in Si Banphot district of Phatthalung on Sunday. (Photo by Assawin Pakkawa)

PHATTHALUNG: A former base of the Communist Party of Thailand (CPT) is being developed as a new tourist spot in this southern province, Tourism and Sports Minister Pipat Ratchakitprakan said.

Mr Pipat and his entourage on Sunday made an excursion from Phatthalung town to Moo 5 village in tambon Taphaen in Si Banphot district, Phatthalung province, to explore a "historical route to Ban Khao Kaew."  The entourage included Kukiat Wongkrapan, the Phatthalung governor, and Surat Jaronyothin, chief of the provincial office of tourism and sports.

Ban Khao Kaew was one of the many jungle bases in the South used by the CPT to wage guerilla war against the government from the 1960s until the early 1990s, when the party was disbanded. 

From Moo 5 village in tambon Taphaen, Mr Pipat and his entourage went on foot to Ban Khao Kaew -- a forest trail with beautiful scenery.

Mr Pipat said the route to the former CPT base is not very accessible as it is only a dirt road. The Tourism and Sports Ministry will propose for a budget from the government to improve it.

The minister said he is confident the historical route to Ban Khao Kaew would draw tourists from other provinces to Phatthalung, helping to generate income for the local people.

At the former CPT base, there are still traces of houses, a kitchen, a mess hall, a hospital, a political and military school, a football field, caves and booby traps.

The caves are beautiful, full of stalactites and stalagmites. The area around the base features beautiful waterfalls and vantage points for tourists to enjoy panoramic  views, Mr Pipat said.

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