SURAT THANI: A man wanted on a warrant for murder has been arrested after 12 years on the run.
Police from the 5th sub-division of the Crime Suppression Division led by Pol Maj Pitaya Thanawut on Wednesday arrested Sakol Wichaidit, 77, in the parking lot in front of Sangkhlaburi Hospital in Kanchanaburi province.
He was subseqently transferred to Muang district police station in Surat Thani for legal action.
His arrest follows a complaint filed by Piyaporn Poonprasert, 48, with CSD police.
She said her husband, Kriangkrai Choeypho, was shot dead during an argument with Mr Sakol in front of their house in the Mongkolsit Housing Estate, tambon Wat Pradu, in Surat Thani's Muang district on March 31, 2008. The argument was about a debt.
Mr Sakol fled afterwards.
The Surat Thani Court issued a warrant dated April 1, 2008 for the arrest of Mr Sakol for murder. Police never caught him, and 12 years later he remained free, a fugitive from justice, Mrs Piyaporn said.
The complaint led to Mr Sakol's arrest in Kanchanaburi on Wednesday.
He confessed to the murder charge, according to police.