Rubber tapper killed by wild elephant
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Rubber tapper killed by wild elephant

Rescue workers retrieve the body of the woman latex tapper killed by a wild elephant at a rubber plantation in Bo Thong district, Chon Buri, on Thursday morning.(Photo: Sawang rescue team 363 via @radiochon Facebook).
Rescue workers retrieve the body of the woman latex tapper killed by a wild elephant at a rubber plantation in Bo Thong district, Chon Buri, on Thursday morning.(Photo: Sawang rescue team 363 via @radiochon Facebook).

CHON BURI: A woman was killed by a wild elephant as she and her husband were tapping rubber trees at a plantation in Bo Thong district early on Thursday morning.

Turian Suwanchao, 54, and her husbanb Tian Thongyaem, 56, entered the plantation in tambon That Thong to collect latex about 3am.

Around 5.50am, a panicked Mr Thian fled from the plantation and told the owner, Somjit Haphol, that his wife had been stomped by a wild elephant.

Mr Somjit said he and other villagers later saw a big elephant crossing a road leading from the plantation. They went into the trees and found Ms Turian's dead body. Villagers were waiting there when police and rescue workers arrived at the scene.

Kittiphong Kittikhun, the Bo Thong district chief, said she was the third person killed by an elephant in that area in the past two months. 

He asked officials that the elephant be hunted down, so people could go about their daily business without fear of being attacked.

Authorities would provide initial assistance to the dead woman's family, media reported.

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