No decision yet on water splashing
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No decision yet on water splashing

Gen Natthapon Nakpanich, secretary-general of the National Security Council and operations chief of the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration. (File photo)
Gen Natthapon Nakpanich, secretary-general of the National Security Council and operations chief of the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration. (File photo)

The Covid-19 operations centre has not closed the door to water splashing during Songkran, but is concerned about the possible spreading of the coronavirus, the operations chief said on Thursday.

Speaking after a morning meeting, Gen Natthapon Nakpanich said the panel would meet again on March 15. 

The issue of water splashing and other Songkran activities would then be forwarded to the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) on March 19, for a final decision. 

Gen Natthapon said the operations centre had a clear stance to ease restrictions so the economy could move ahead, but it was worried about the possible spread of the disease .

During the meeting, all were concerned about water splashing. Revellers would wear face masks in the beginning of activities, but they would probably later take them off, he said. 

Another concern was that social distancing may not be followed at venues crowded with participants. This issue would also be brought up at the next meeting of the panel, he said.

Asked whether he could say clearly that splashing would not be allowed, Gen Natthapon said he could not.

His panel would try its best, because it understood that people wanted to see the easing of restrictions.

He said water splashing may be allowed. Everything would be finalised during the CCSA meeting on March 19.

His panel may present options such as water splashing not be allowed at risk areas, just as durig the New Year festival activities were allowed in some areas, but not in crowded places. Or there might be zoning of water splashing for disease control, Gen Natthapon said.

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