NACC told to disclose govt leaders' assets
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NACC told to disclose govt leaders' assets

The Official Information Commission (OIC) will ask the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to disclose information about assets declared previously by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and his deputy, Wissanu Krea-ngam.

The two have voluntarily declared their assets to the NACC, for the sake of record-keeping, although they weren't actually required under the NACC law to declare their assets again as their positions remained the same in the most recent reshuffle, according Mr Wissanu.

He was responding to the opposition's criticism that he and Gen Prayut exploited loopholes in the NACC's law, passed while the National Council for Peace and Order was in power, to avoid having their assets scrutinised.

On April 6, the office of the NACC insisted that the NACC's law doesn't allow the office to make public assets declared by the two parties.

The OIC, however, decided at a meeting on Friday that the NACC is obliged to reveal the information when asked, saying the public has the right under the constitution to seek access to the information.

By "access", the OIC, however, said it was referring to an examination in person that doesn't include making a copy of the information.

In 2014 the NACC made its only declaration of this nature, when it said Gen Prayut and his wife had declared 128 million baht in assets while Mr Wissanu and his wife had 116.8 million baht in assets to declare when the two took office on Sept 4, 2014.

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