Patrolling police injured by road bomb
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Patrolling police injured by road bomb

The police pickup damaged by a roadside bomb that injured the three policemen inside it, in Yala's Raman district, on Monday morning. (Photo: Abdullah Benjakat)
The police pickup damaged by a roadside bomb that injured the three policemen inside it, in Yala's Raman district, on Monday morning. (Photo: Abdullah Benjakat)

YALA: Three policemen were injured, one seriously, when a bomb exploded on a road in Raman district, peppering their patrol pickup with shrapnel, on Monday morning.

Polie said the attack occurred about 10.20am as the pickup was passing Tano Puye, or Moo 3 village, in tambon Kae Ro. The bomb was buried on the roadside and was detonated remotely.

Pol Sr Sgt Maj Seksan Chaiman, Pol L/Cpl Haleem Hadlo and Pol L/Cpl Nurdin Chete were injured by the explosion, which struck the left side of the vehicle.  

Pol L/Cpl Nurdin was the most seriously wounded and was rushed to Yala Hospital. The others were admitted to Raman Hospital.

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