Entertainers register for govt aid plan
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Entertainers register for govt aid plan

With another 74,780 nightlife industry workers receiving their 5,000 baht in assistance pay from the Social Security Office (SSO) on Friday, almost all such workers affected by the government's Covid-19 restrictions have been compensated, says the Labour Ministry.

The aid payment programme began on Dec 29, targeting 121,431 people working for night entertainment venues shut by the government as part of its Covid-19 containment efforts.

Workers affected by closures are required to register under the social security scheme, under Sections 33, 39 or 40 of the Social Security Act, to receive 5,000 baht each. The relief programme was approved by the cabinet on Dec 21.

Workers eligible to receive aid under this programme include nightclub musicians, singers, traditional performers and nightclub comedians, to name a few.

A total of 607.15 million baht has been set aside for funding this programme.

Only about 2,194 people who registered under the programme have not received their share due to technical problems, including failure to activate their PromptPay electronic wallets and link them with their national IDs as required, the minister said.

As for freelance night entertainment workers who have yet to register under the social security scheme, they are being advised to complete the registration process by Friday, said SSO secretary Boonsong Thapchaiyuth.

After registration, these workers must still be certified by an association concerned, including the Music Association of Thailand and the Professional Entertainment Network Confederation of Thailand, by Jan 28, he said.

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