Navy sent to deal with second oil spill off Rayong
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Navy sent to deal with second oil spill off Rayong

A fresh oil spill was found in the Gulf of Thailand off the coast of Rayong on Thursday and was being cleaned up, according to local authorities.

It was believed about 5,000 litres of oil had leaked. Nine navy ships were deployed to contain the slick which was about 20km from shore, said deputy provincial governor, Pirun Hemarak, adding the situation was under control.

He said he did not expect the slick to reach land.

The  incident comes on the heels of a Jan 25 leak from an underwater pipeline belonging to Star Petroleum Refining Public Company Limited (SPRC), near Map Ta Phut in Rayong.

The spill, involving 47,000 litres of crude oil, has since been cleaned up.

On Thursday, Pollution Control Department director-general Atthapol Charoenshunsa said SPRC alerted authorities to the latest leak which may have occurred during modification work on an underwater pipeline. An investigation was ongoing to determine the cause. The department initially refused a company request to use about 5,000 litres of dispersant, deeming the amount excessive.

However, an unspecified amount was later dispatched to the area via the First Naval Area Command to be sprayed over the spill as part of containment efforts.

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