New special envoy for Myanmar named
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New special envoy for Myanmar named

Pornpimol Kanchanalak, adviser to the foreign affairs minister. (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Pornpimol Kanchanalak, adviser to the foreign affairs minister. (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

The Foreign Affairs Ministry has appointed Pornpimol "Pauline" Kanchanalak, one of the foreign minister's advisers, as its special envoy for relations with Myanmar.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai said on Tuesday that Ms Pornpimol was given the post in part due to her extensive knowledge of the neighbouring country, which would ease the ministry's workload.

Asked if Ms Pornpimol's new role would overlap with her other duties, Mr Don said she would only be taking responsibility for certain designated tasks.

The foreign minister said she has already played a key role as the ministry's adviser, but she was limited in terms of joining discussions with high-ranking officers from overseas. Her new position will lift those curbs, he said, adding such an appointed position is common in the European Union.

According to Mr Don's designation order, Myanmar is strategically important to Thailand in terms of geopolitics, economy, society and national security. Therefore, Ms Pornpimol will closely monitor foreign affairs in Myanmar to make sure they align with the ministry’s policy.

She will also coordinate with other agencies and the private sector, serve as a Thai delegate international meetings and report to the minister of foreign affairs, said Mr Don.

She is due to perform her new role at the Office of the Foreign Affairs Minister and will have at least one assistant.

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